WWE Survivor Series 2020 Results – THANK YOU TAKER


Photo Credit: WWE

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WWE RAW Tag Team Champions The New Day Vs. SmackDown Tag Team Champions The Street Profits

Both teams goes back & forth at the start of the match. New Day dominated Street Profits at the start of the match. Kofi & Woods works over Ford ribs. Ford fights back & drops Kofi with a DDT.

Dawkins & Woods tags in, Dawkins is fired up, Profits hits a double team offense to Woods, but Woods hits out. Profits hits another double team move, but Woods kicks out again.

Woods tags Kofi in & they drops Ford with the Midnight hour but Ford kicks out. Kofi hits three boom drops, Ford hits the frog splash on Kofi, but Kofi kicks out. Kofi hits the SOS, but Dawkins interrupts the pin attempt.

Ford hits the trouble in paradise on Kofi, but Woods hits the Gutbuster on Ford, Ford kicks out. Profits hits the Blockbuster from the top rope on Woods & get the victory.

Winner: The Street Profits

After the match, both teams shake hands & hugs each other.

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