WWE Survivor Series 2020 Results – THANK YOU TAKER


Photo Credit: WWE

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RAW Women’s Champion Asuka Vs. SmackDown Women’s Champion Sasha Banks

Both women tries to lock each other in submission holds. Banks locks Asuka in an armbar & then tries to lock her in the Banks statement, Asuka counters it into a pin attempt followed with the attempt to lock Banks in Asuka Lock. Sasha counters & hits a backstabber for a two count.

Asuka teases Banks & hits her with a running knee for two count. Asuka locks Banks in an armbar & hits a knee to the face of Banks for two count. Asuka tries to hit Shining Wizard but Banks counter it into an armbar into abdominal stretch.

Asuka fights back, both women on the apron goes back & forth. Asuka with a hip attack on Banks. Banks hits the baseball slide on Asuka. Both women fights outside the ring & Asuka hits a double knee on Banks. Asuka & Banks gets inside the ring somehow before the 10 count.

Banks hits backstabber on Asuka for two count. Banks hits Meteora on Asuka & locks Asuka in the Banks Statement but Asuka counters it into Asuka lock followed with a double knee to Banks for two count. Several pin attempts from each participants & finally Banks pins Asuka with a roll up.

Winner: Sasha Banks

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