WWE Survivor Series 2021 Results (Nov. 21st, 2021)

Photo Credit: WWE
RAW Tag Team Champions RK-Bro Vs. SD Tag Team Champions The Usos
Riddle and Jimmy starts the match off. Riddle goes for an armbar quickly but Uso escapes. He gets up and taunts the crowd before going in and hitting Riddle with a kick. Uso throws Riddle in the corner but Riddle hits a backflip reversal and kicks Uso down. He then locks Uso in for a spin before throwing Jimmy over his head with a suplex. Riddle tags in Randy who slowly enters the match and quickly goes for a ground attack on Jimmy. Uso reverses it but it does nothing for him as Randy comes back at him but Jimmy leaves the ring and hugs his brother on the outside. Jimmy slowly comes back in and Jey tags in. Jey attacks like a pitbull and beats Randy down in the corner. He taunts the crowd just long enough for Randy to recover as Orton pokes him in the eye and takes Jey down before tagging in Riddle. Randy and Riddle do a double team backflip drop on Jey. Jimmy comes in but gets thrown outside and Riddle goes after him with a punt kick and a springboard backflip. This allows Jey to recover and attack Riddle as he tries to get back in the ring. Jey gets some offense on the outside before sliding in and tagging in Jimmy. Jimmy Uso hits a suicide dive on Riddle as Jey holds him in place. They get Riddle in the ring and go for a pinfall but only get 2. Jimmy chokes Riddle on the rope and then Jey drops a boot to his head before tagging himself into the match. Double team leg split on Riddle. Riddle tries to crawl to Orton but Jey picks him up to hit a backdrop suplex. Riddle gets up and finds himself in the corner getting right hands. Jey then hits a running butt slam on Riddle before taunting the crowd some more. Jey goes for another corner slam but Riddle jumps up and kicks Jey in the head. Both men are trying to get to their corner but Jimmy gets in and stops Riddle and puts him in a chin lock. Riddle fights to his feet, hits a few elbows and reaches for a tag but Jimmy pulls him down and holds him back. Riddle hits a forearm to try and loosen up the hold but it doesn’t work and Jimmy slams him down in The Uso’s corner.
A suplex to Riddle followed by a quick 2 count. Riddle starts to rally and gets Jimmy up in a fireman’s carry but Uso elbows him down. Riddle finds some strength to pick Jimmy up again and drop him. This buys him time to tag in Randy as Jey gets a tag in as well. Randy hits his trademark powerslam on both Usos and then goes for the hanging ddt but Jey slips out. Randy follows out and hits the backdrop on both Uso’s to the announce table. As he slides back in, Jey hits a kick to the guts but Randy recovers and throws him to the apron. He then hits his hanging ddt. RKO is coming but Jey pushes him out and hits a kick followed by a slap.
Jey then hits another superkick which stumbles Randy back into Riddle who tags himself in. Trademark Riddle offense on both Uso’s. Jumping elbows, kicks and over the head suplexes followed by Broton’s to both Uso’s. Jey attacks from behind with a neckbreaker that gets him a 2 count on Riddle. Riddle fights back and hits a german suplex with a bridge but only gets a 2 count. Jimmy tags in and they hit a double team samoan drop on Riddle that only gets Jimmy a 2 count. Jimmy picks Riddle up and they start exchanging shots. Riddle gets the advantage but Jey tags in and The Uso’s play the numbers game. Orton tries to sneak in but they hit him with a double superkick. As Riddle gets to his knees, they hit him with a double superkick as well.
False finish as Riddle kicks out at 2. Jey tags in Jimmy and they go for another double team move. Riddle slips out and sends Jey in the corner and drops Jimmy. Randy Orton tags in but gets a super kick. Jimmy goes to the top to hit Riddle with a splash and as he comes down Randy Orton flies in and hits the RKO OUTTA NOWHERE! 1, 2, 3!
Winner: RK-Bro (Team RAW)
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars.