WWE Survivor Series WAR GAMES 2022 Results (Nov 26, 2022) – New Champion Crowned.

Photo Credit: WWE
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WWE Survivor Series WAR GAMES 2022 Results: Nov 26, 2022
Damage CTRL, Nikki Cross & Rhea Ripley Vs. Bianca Belair, Asuka, Alexa Bliss, Mia Yim & Becky Lynch: Women’s WAR GAMES Match
For the first ever we see stars from Raw & SmackDown have WarGames Matches at Survivor Series. Bianca will start the match for her team. Dakota Kai starts for the opposing squad. They lock up & Belair uses strength. A drop kick kept Kai back until Dakota relied on the ropes for assistance. The Raw Women’s Champion took Kai down. One-half of the Women’s Champion grabbed Belair’s braid. A backbreaker stopped Dakota. Kai responded by kicking her opponent in the corner. More expert kicking is on display from Kai. The EST fought back with immense power. For each trade shot, Scorpion kick via Kai. Bianca sent Dakota into the cage twice & powerbombs her into the cage.
IYO Sky enters next, and an impressive dropkick stuns Bianca. Belair flipped over IYO, then Belair gets taken over by leg scissors & one terrific cross body as well. Fantastic teamwork by Damage Control. Belair counters both ladies & executed a powerful double suplex. Sky with the missile dropkick on Belair. Asuka evens things up. German suplex onto Kai. Impeccable striking by Sky & Asuka. The Empress showed off combination strikes & running knee against IYO. Dakota & Asuka battle on the top turnbuckle.
Bianca press slams Kai into the cage. Asuka nailed Sky with a missile dropkick. Nikki Cross enters next, Cross grabs a kendo stick & trash can lid from under the ring. She slammed the door on Asuka. Bianca gets punished with trash can lids by Cross & she followed that up with a tornado DDT on Belair from the middle turnbuckle. Cross looked dominant. Bliss comes in next; Bliss dropkicked the trash can lid into Kai. Alexa & Asuka execute some stellar teamwork. Every lady wages war. Bianca breaks that kendo stick & Nikki tried to escape.
Damage Control unloaded on Bianca & Asuka & Bliss returned the favor to their opponents. Cross flies from on top of the cage, in the process takes out everybody. Bayley is next, she has a ladder. Make it another ladder from underneath the ring. Bayley found a table. Bianca & Kai continue fighting. Action ensues throughout. Bayley sent Belair into the corner back first into the trash can lid. Kai with Bayley pinned Bianca using the table in between the two rings & cage. Moonsault by Sky to Alexa. Damage Control gained momentum. Mia Yim grabs two trashcans. She takes out Bayley & Kai. Yim plants Cross & hit Sky in her throat with the lid. Innovative offense from Mia.
Cross latched on to Yim’s back. Dive through ropes clears Bayley out courtesy of Yim. Belair suplexed Bayley. Rhea delivers a forearm that halts Bliss. Ripley sends Bianca for a ride after the champ takes the German Suplex. Rhea made a huge difference. Ripley applied a Texas cloverleaf on Asuka. Mia slams a trash can into Ripley. Becky Lynch hammers everyone. Big kick to Sky, Cross is down after a kick thru the trash can lid in the face. Becky dropped a leg on the trash can with Sky’s head inside. Lynch fights Bayley. The Man uploaded on her nemesis. Ripley with a headbutt on Lynch. Rhea dropped Becky with the riptide. Becky & Asuka team up opposite Rhea & Ripley gets misted by Asuka.
Bayley retaliates against “ The Man! “ She’s the role model. Lynch took a Rose Plant on the steel via Bayley. Damage Control, Yim, Bliss, and Asuka, all fought on the turnbuckle. Cross helped her teammate’s thanks to a kendo stick. The sky went airborne & took out Mia Yim & Bianca Belair enforcing an insane moonsault. Cross challenges Bliss. Nikki possesses handcuffs, she tried handcuffing Alexa to the rope but instead, Alexa handcuffs herself to Cross. Bliss drops Nikki back on a trashcan. Rhea & Yim fight. Ripley back-slammed Mia into the ladder. Becky & Bianca fight Damage Control. Becky Manhandle slams for everyone & Belair with a KOD to IYO. Becky off the cage & leg drop onto both Kai & Sky. Lynch pins them.
Winner: Bianca Belair, Asuka, Alexa Bliss, Mia Yim & Rhea Ripley
Ratings: 4 out of 5 stars.
AJ Styles Vs. Finn Balor
Balor was accompanied by Dominik Mysterio & Damien Priest. Styles had Gallows & Anderson Walking out with him. Two men that revolutionized professional wrestling. Each knew the other in New Japan concerning “ The Bullet Club! “ In an aggressive beginning, both try to get the upper hand. Styles targets Balor’s hamstring. The Phenomenal One executes a textbook backbreaker. Finn fires his offensive attack to defend himself against this great rival. The Prince chopped AJ & focused on Styles using a knee to the back region. A dropkick & abdominal stretch kept Styles still. AJ built momentum after the hip toss & sliding forearm. Balor pounded his knees into Styles.
Damien Priest distracts the referee & Dominik tripped up AJ. The OC even things up against Judgement Day. AJ helps Gallows & Anderson on the outside. Finn’s pinning combination was not enough & sling blade by Balor. Styles answers after kicking & suplexing his opposition. Finn scouted the calf crusher until Balor executes a double stomp. Another sling blade, but that doesn’t put Styles away. AJ escaped Finn’s attempt at a Styles Clash & locked in his calf crusher maneuver.
AJ utilized the flying clothesline on Balor in the corner. Balor connects with knees. Styles drives Finn down after moonsault counter into a DDT combination. Balor sent Styles into the corner & missed the Coup De Grace. Calf Crusher is applied by Styles. Finn manages to fight out of it. Both trade fists. AJ lands a Phenomenal Forearm. AJ pins Finn for the 1-2-3!!!
Winner: AJ Styles
Ratings: 4 out of 5 stars.
Ronda Rousey (c) Vs. Shotzi: Smackdown Women’s Championship
Shotzi rides in style. She’s ready for war as the challenger rides in on her tank. She’s dedicated the match in memory of her late father who passed away earlier this year. Rousey has Shayna Baszler by her side. The Baddest Woman on the Planet remains dominant among the greatest women athletes. Shotzi went after the Champ. Ronda tosses her down & applied the ankle lock. Shotzi fought back & takes Shayna out by diving thru the ropes. Shotzi send Rousey into the steel steps & delivered ferocious forearms.
Ronda counters Shotzi from the top rope after the number one contender attempted a high-risk move. Rousey attacked her opponent. Shotzi caught the Champion with a lethal right hand. Shotzi takes both Rousey & Shayna out while this match continues on the outside. Shotzi lands a cross body off the barricade & lands on Ronda & Shayna & two gentlemen who sat in the front row. A judo throw from Rousey. It was followed by the Piper’s Pit & armbar & Rousey finished off Shotzi.
Winner: Ronda Rousey
Ratings: 1 out of 5 stars.
Seth Rollins (c) Vs. Bobby Lashley Vs. Austin Theory: Triple Threat Match for the United States Championship
Lashley takes Theory out of the ring right away and him and Lashley go at it. Lashley hits shoulder thrusts in thy corner and then hits a neck breaker. Lashley goes for a Suplex but Seth blocks it and does a throat chop. Seth gets thrown on the apron and Theory pulls him down and sends Rollins into the barricade. Theory goes in the ring and takes down Bobby, follows up with right hands. He picks up Lashley and goes for a Suplex but Bobby reverses it. Seth tries to sneak attack but Bobby sends him in thy corner. He sends Austin into another and does multiple clotheslines to both before hitting a double team move on both.
Bobby hits the dominator on Seth after Theoey was thrown out and goes for a pin but Theory pulls the ref out. Lashley chases after him and throws Austin into the timekeeper era. Theory comes up with a chair but Bobby blocks it. Seth attacks from behind with a chop block to the knee and then sends Lashley into the steps. Theory attacks Rollins from behind and then hits Bobby with the steel steps. He turns around and hits Seth as well. Theory throws the steps at Lashley and tosses Rollins in thy ring. He does the rolling dropkick inside the ring on Seth and gets a 2 count.
Theory sends Rollins in the corner and starts to put work in before going to the outside and beating down Bobby on the commentary table and then the barricade. Theory goes back in the ring and Rollins rolls him up for 2, Theory jumps up and stomps Seth back down. Austin starts to trash talk as he hits Seth with right hands but Seth is “hulking up” and Seth starts to fight back with chops and right hands. Seth throws him in the ropes and hits many forearms and a Slingblade. He throws Theory out and hits suicide dives on Bobby and Austin 3 times and ends it with a flip over the top rope on both men. Fans start singing the Rollins song. Seth goes in the ring. Theory goes for another rolling move by Seth counters it with a sit down powerbomb that gets him a 2 count.
Bobby enters the ring as Seth goes for a stomp and pulls Austi out of the way before hitting Seth with a spine buster. Bobby puts Seth in the hurt lock but Austin puts Bobby in the sleeper hold. Seth escapes but Austin holds on, Seth comes back and hits a pedigree on Bobby as Theory falls out of the ring. Seth only gets a 2 count. Seth heads to the top rope where he misses the Phoenix splash. Theory rolls in and throws Seth out of the ring and delivers a rolling blockbuster to Bobby. Austin goes for a A Town down but Lashley reverses it into a hurt lock. Austin goes to the corner and reverses it into a pin but Seth breaks it up with a frog splash on Bobby. He gets a 2 count.
Seth and Theory get to their feet and they exchange offense. Theory tries for a pedigree but Seth reverses it and goes for a A town down on Theory. Bobby gets up and puts them BOTH IN THE HURT LOCK! They both escape and Bobby tries to spear Seth but he moves and Lashley hits the corner. Seth jumps off Theory and stomps Lashley. Theory tried to throw Seth out but ends up on the top rope. Seth hits the Suplex and goes for a falcon arrow but Bobby Spears Seth mid move and Austin falls on Seth. 1, 2, 3!
Winner & NEW US Champion: Austin Theory
Ratings: 4.5 out of 5 stars.
The Bloodline Vs. The Brawling Brutes, Drew McIntyre & Kevin Owens
Butch and Jey Usos kick off the match. Jey and Butch jaw at each other. Jey hesitates before getting into the second ring. Jey tries to rush the ring and gets clobbered by Butch. Butch bends Jey’s fingers like a pretzel. Butch stomps Jey’s arm. Butch uses the cage to bend Jey’s fingers. Jey works over Jey’s injured arm. Jey counters Butch and sends him into the cage. Jey works over Butch. Ridge Holland is released next. Holland floors Jey with a clothesline. Jey fires back with a kick to Holland’s gut. Uppercut by Jey. Jey hits the ropes and gets power slammed by Holland. Holland crushes Jey in the corner over and over again with multiple body blocks. High and low by Butch and Holland.
As the timer runs out, Jimmy is about to leave the cage, but Reigns tells Jimmy to hold on. Reigns tells Zayn to go. Zayn slowly walks to the ring. Jey gets to his feet and attacks Butch and Holland from behind. Zayn hits the ring and sends Holland in between the rings. Zayn stomps Holland. Jey and Zayn double team Holland. Zayn pats Jey on the back. Jey slaps his hand away. Both men argue. Butch hits a moonsault off the cage on both men. Holland suplexes Zayn and Jey at the same time. Zayn pulls Jey out of the way of a charging Holland. Drew McIntyre is released next. McIntyre slams Jey into the cage over and over again. McIntyre suplexes Zayn from one side of the ring to the other.
Jimmy Uso is released next. Jimmy slides a few tables into the ring. Jey and Zayn fight over the table. Reigns shakes his head as he watches his team unravel. Zayn and Jimmy set up a table in the corner. Kevin Owens is released next. Owens hits the ring with a chair. Chair shots for everyone by Owens. Swanton by Owens. Owens tosses a chair into Jimmy’s face. Zayn and Owens end up in the same ring together. Holland attacks Zayn from behind before the two can fight. Owens suplexes Jimmy through a table. Solo Sikoa is released next. Sikoa hits the ring and beats down all of the Brutes. Owens lands multiple strikes on Sikoa between the rings. Sikoa shrugs it all off. Owens tries a pile driver, but Sikoa back body drops Owens on the metal plating between the rings.
McIntyre and Sikoa trafe strike. Sikoa tries a hip attack, but McIntyre floors him with a flying headbutt. Sheamus is released next. Zayn tries to hold the cage door shut. Sheamus hits Zayn with the door. Sheamus clears the ring. The Brutes and McIntyre beat down the Bloodline against the cage. Sheamus hits white noise on Sikoa off the second rope. Roman Reigns is the final man released.
Both teams stand tall in opposite rings. The Brutes, McIntyre, and Owens charge. Both team trade strikes. Reigns lays everyone out with uppercuts. Sheamus walks right into a Superman Punch. Sheamus counters a Spear from Reigns with a high knee. Sheamus tries to land the ten beats on Reigns, but Jimmy and Zayn block it. The Brutes, McIntyre, and Owens all land ten beats on each member of The Bloodline. Sheamus tries to Brogue Kick Reigns, but Sikoa pushes Reigns out of the way and takes the hit. Reigns Spears Sheamus. Butch breaks up the pin. Jey accidentally superkicks Zayn, The Usos hit the 1D off the top on Butch. Holland breaks up the pin. The Usos double superkick Holland. Reigns Spears Holland through a table.
Sikoa puts McIntyre through a table with Spinning Solo. Owens Stuns Sikoa. Reigns breaks up the pin. Owens hits a Pop-Up Powerbomb on Reigns. Stunner by Owens. Zayn stops the referee before he could Reigns down for three. Owens and Zayn lock eyes. Owens and Zayn argue. Jey tries to superkick Owens, but he catches his foot. Zayn low-blows Owens. Zayn looks conflicted. Owens gets to his feet in the corner. Reigns nods at Zayn. Zayn destroys Owens with a Helluva Kick. Zayn tells Jey Owens is all his. Jey goes up top and hits the Uso Splash for the win.
Zayn stares down at Owens with a conflicted look on his face. Reigns holds his arms open. Zayn and Reigns hug. Jimmy hugs Zayn as Jey looks on. Jey hugs Zayn as well. The Bloodline celebrates.
Winner: The Bloodline
Ratings: 5 out of 5 stars.
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