WWE TLC 2020 Results – New Champions Crowned


Photo Credit: WWE

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WWE TLC 2020 Results – 20th Dec. 2020

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Kick Off Show:

WWE TLC Kickoff started with a panel of Charly Caruso, Booker T, Jeff Jarrett & Peter Rosenberg. First they start talking about Roman Reigns Vs. Kevin Owens in a TLC match in the main event tonight.

Next they talk about Sasha Banks Vs. Carmella. The panel interviewed with MVP about their tonight’s match against New Day. The Miz & Morrison interrupts the panel and tells them that maybe tonight’s the night for them to cash in their MITB.

Big E, Daniel Bryan, Otis, Chad Gable Vs. Sami Zayn, King Corbin, Shinsuke Nakamura, Cesaro

Cesaro & Gable start the match and goes back & forth. Bryan tags in and takes control over Cesaro. Nakamura kicks Bryan from behind and tags himself in. Now the heels start working over Bryan one by one.

Bryan fights off Corbin and tags Otis in, Otis is fired up and hits the caterpillar on Nakamura. Gable tags in but eat up the double team finisher by Cesaro & Nakamura & Otis made the save.

Corbin enters the ring and hits the spinebuster on Otis. Bryan hits the running knee on Corbin. Cesaro hits the uppercut on Bryan & Gable hits a German Suplex on Cesaro.

Zayn tags in and tries to hit the bluethunder bomb on Gable, but Gable counters it and tags Big E in. Zayn hits a big boot on Big E & tries to hit a helluva kick but Big E catches him and gits a Uranage on Zayn followed with a Big Ending for the victory.

Winner: Big E, Daniel Bryan, Otis & Chad Gable

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