WWE TLC 2020 Results – New Champions Crowned


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Main Card:

Drew McIntyre (c) Vs. AJ Styles – TLC Match for the WWE Championship

Styles starts the match by hitting a dropkick on McIntyre’s left leg & start working on it. McIntyre overpowers him and irish whip him hard into the corner followed with a backbody drop on Styles.

McIntyre sets up a table at the ringside. McIntyre throws Styles onto the chairs at the top of the table. McIntyre sets up a ladder and climbs to grab the title, but Styles hits him with a chair on his left leg.

Styles hits McIntyre with a chair again. Styles tries to climb the ladder but McIntyre pulls him down and slingshot Styles onto the chair in the corner. McIntyre climbs the ladder but Styles throws a chair onto him.

Styles takes control over McIntyre by attacking him with the ladder. Styles tries to hit a Styles Clash on McIntyre but McIntyre counters it into a Futureshock DDT. Styles hits a chop block on McIntyre already injured legs.

Styles puts McIntyre in a calf crusher through the ladder, adding insult to the injury. Styles hits McIntyre with the chair again and again. Now, Styles uses the calf crusher through the chair. McIntyre slams Styles head onto the ladder to release the hold.

Styles hits McIntyre with the ladder. McIntyre throws a chair on Styles from the ringside. Styles drop toehold McIntyre onto the ladder. McIntyre hits overhead belly to belly on Styles onto the ladder.

Styles hits a Phenomenal Forearm on McIntyre. Styles sets up the ladder. Styles climbs the ladder but McIntyre grabs him and throws him outside the ring through the table. McIntyre climbs the ladder.

Miz comes down to the ring and powerbombs McIntyre through the table. Miz cashes in his MITB briefcase and now the match is a triple threat match. Miz climbs the ladder but Omos pulls him and throws outside the ring through the table.

Morrison hits Omos with the chair & the chair broke into pieces. Omos chases Morrison to the backstage. Styles & McIntyre climbs the ladder together. Miz climbs another ladder. All men fought at the top of the ladder.

Styles puts McIntyre down & Miz puts down Styles. McIntyre pushes Styles and Miz off the ladder & hits a claymore on Miz and climbs the ladder and pulls down the title for the victory.

Winner: Drew McIntyre

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