WWE Wrestlemania 38 Night 1 Results – Cody Rhodes RETURNS and Austin Strikes!!


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WWE Wrestlemania 38 Night 1 Full Results

The Usos (c) Vs. Shinsuke Nakamura & Rick Boogs – Smackdown Tag Team Championships

Jimmy and Jey double team Nakamura with a slam. Nakamura runs into an uppercut from Jey. Jimmy tags and they wishbone Nakamura. The Usos take turns working over Nakamura. Nakamura manages to tag in Boogs. Boogs traps Jey in a bearhug. Boogs transition into a delayed verticle suplex. Boogs drops to one knee as he’s holding Jey in the air. Jey charges in and gets lifted up on Boogs shoulders. Boogs lifts up Jimmy as well. Boogs knee gives out and he collapses to the mat. 

Nakamura lands a dive. Sliding German by Nakamura. Nakamura calls for the Kinshasa. Jey superkicks Nakamura to avoid it. Jimmy lands the Uso splash. Nakamura kicks out. Jimmy holds Nakamura as Jey superkicks him. The Usos land the 1D for the win.

Winner: The Usos

Rating: 2 out of 5 stars.

Drew McIntyre Vs. Happy Corbin w/Madcap Moss

McIntyre sends Corbin out of the ring. Corbin manages to send McIntyre into the ring post. Corbin works over McIntyre. Madcap accidentally distracts Corbin. McIntyre slams Corbin with a spinebuster. Corbin tries his dipsey doo clothesline but McIntyre counters with an overhead throw. McIntyre kips up and tries the future shock DDT but Corbin escapes and hits deep six. McIntyre kicks out.

Madcap pull Corbin out of the ring before McIntyre can hit the Claymore. McIntyre lands a dive. McIntyre misses the Claymore. Corbin hits End of Days. McIntyre kicks out! McIntyre is the first person to ever kick out of that move. Corbin loses it. McIntyre surprises Corbin with the future shock DDT. McIntyre hits the Claymore for the win.

Winner: Drew McIntyre

Rating: 2.5 out of 5 stars

After the match, Madcap gets on the apron. McIntyre grabs his sword Angela and tries to cut Madcap in half. McIntyre cuts the top two ropes in half instead. The ring is in disarray as McIntyre celebrates.

The Mysterios Vs. The Miz & Logan Paul

Dominik tags in Mysterio, who lands a flurry of offense on Miz. Mysterio lands a moonsault on Miz. Paul and Miz try a double suplex but Dominik breaks it up. Miz tries to counter the 619 but Mysterio turns it into a backbreaker. Miz kicks out. Mysterio lands two of the three amigos. Miz sends Mysterio into the ring post to break it up.

Paul boots Dominik off the apron. Paul does his own version of the three amigos. Kipsup by Paul. Paul mugs at the crowd and hits a frog splash. Dominik breaks up the pin. Dominik takes Miz out with a dive. Miz tags himself in. The Mysterios hit a double 619. Dominik and his father both land splashes. Miz is the legal man. Miz slams Dominik on his father. Skull Crushing Finale by Miz. Miz pins Mysterio.

Winner: The Miz & Logan Paul

Ratings: 3 out of 5 stars.

After the match Miz and Paul celebrate. Miz shockingly drops Paul with the Skull Crushing Finale! What just happened!

Becky Lynch (c) Vs. Bianca Belair – RAW Women’s Championship

Lynch pulls Belair out of the ring by her hair. Before Belair can react, Lynch sends her into the ring steps. Bexploder by Lynch. Lynch lands another. Lynch sends Belair into the middle rope, throat first. Belair tries a springboard but Lynch kicks her in the gut. Belair ends up hung up on the ropes. Lynch drops a leg off the top. Belair kicks out again. Belair tries a leapfrog but Lynch trips Belair causing her to land on the mat face, first.

Lynch locks Belair in an armbar. Belair gets to her feet and lifts Lynch in the air. Belair and Lynch both fall over the top rope.  Lynch launches Belair into the ropes. Belair bounces off and hits a suplex out on the floor. Lynch and Belair trade strikes. Belair blocks a kick from Lynch and hits a gut buster. Lynch kicks out. Glam Slam by Belair. Belair lands an handspring splash. Lynch kicks out.

Belair goes up top. Lynch cuts her off. Lynch tries to set up a suplex. Belair counters with a gutbuster on the top rope. Lynch is down. Belair hits a 450 off the second rope! Lynch kicks out. Lynch rolls out to the apron. Belair charges in and gets stunned on the top rope. Lynch tries a Molly-Go-Round but she ends up just kicking Belair in the face. Belair kicks out. Belair and Lynch trade strikes. Spinebuster by Belair. Belair and Lynch trade pins.

Belair picks Lynch off the top for a KOD. Lynch hooks the ropes. Belair sends Lynch flying over the top rope. Lynch rolls in the ring and out the other side. Lynch grabs Belair’s hair and sends her into the ring post. Manhandle Slam on the ringsteps by Lynch. Belair is almost counted out. Lynch rolls up Belair but Belair kicks out. Lynch tries another Manhandle Slame but Belair does a backflip and lands on her feet. Belair hits a leaping KOD for the win!

Winner & NEW RAW Women’s Champion: Bianca Belair

Ratings: 4 out of 5 stars.

Seth Rollins Vs. Cody Rhodes

Rhodes drops Rollins after a tackle dropdown spot. Rhodes does the old Stardust taunt and “tosses it” into the crowd. Dropdown uppercut by Rhodes. Rollins welcomes Rhodes back and decks him. Rhodes and Rollins trade strikes. Rollins and Rhodes trade suplex attempts. Both men end up falling over the top rope and land hard. Rollins drives Rhodes into the ring apron. Rhodes responds by sending Rollins into the ring post. Rhodes and Rollins fight back into the ring. Rhodes works Rollins left arm. Armdrag into short arm scissors by Rhodes. Rollins turns it into a pin for a near fall. Rhodes hits his version of Shattered Dream. Rollins manages to land an enziguri.

Rhodes slams Rollins into the mat, shoulder first. Rhodes goes up top but Rollins manages to catch him in midair with a dropkick. Rhodes is clutching at his ribs. Rollins works over Rhodes’ injured ribs. Moonsault by Rhodes. Rhodes sends Rollins out of the ring. Suicide dive by Rhodes. Rhodes dives off the apron and gets caught in a powerbomb. Rollins powerbombs Rhodes into the barricade. Rollins lands a springboard knee followed by a basement superkick. Falcon Arrow by Rollins. Rhodes kicks out. Rollins misses the Stomp twice. Rhodes eventually hits Crossroads. Rollins kicks out.

Rhodes goes up top. Rollins cuts him off. Rhodes knocks Rollins off the top. Rollins hops back up top and hits an avalanche gourd buster into an inverted DDT. Rhodes kicks out. Rollins tries the Pedigree. Rhodes hits an under hook powerbomb. Rollins gets to his feet and eats a Cody Cutter. Rollins kicks out again. Rollins hits the Pedigree. Rhodes kicks out. Rhodes and Rollins trade strikes. Kawada kicks by Rollins. Rollins hits the Ohno elbow. Rhodes surprises Rollins with the Crossroads. Rhodes holds on and hits another. Rhodes lets Rollins go and unloads on Rollins with Dusty-style punches. Bionic Elbow by Rhodes. Rhodes hits another Crossroads for the win.

Winner: Cody Rhodes

Ratings: 4.5 out of 5 stars.

Charlotte Flair (c) Vs. Ronda Rousey – Smackdown Women’s Championship

Multiple judo takedowns by Rousey. Flair hits a spear out of nowhere. Suplex by Flair. Flair kips up and goes up top. Moonsault by Flair but Rousey moves out of the way. Flair tries a standing moonsault but she misses. Flair lands a few chops. Suplex by Rousey for another near fall. Rousey gets hung up in a tree of woe. Flair goes up top and locks in a Boston crab. Rousey sits up and lands an elbow. Flair pushes Rousey off the top. Rousey goes back up top and hits an arm drag. Piper’s Pit by Rousey. Rousey sets up the armbar and points into the crowd. Flair slips away and boots Rousey in the face. Flair tries the Figure Eight again but Rousey kicks her way. Rolling powerslam by Rousey.

Rousey picks Flair up but Flair escapes. Rousey counters with the ankle lock. Flair reverses it into an ankle lock of her own. Rousey tries to turn it into an armbar but she sends up launching Flair into the bottom turnbuckle. Flair turns an armbar into a powerbomb for a near fall. Rousey reverses the Figure Eight into the ankle lock. Rousey drops down. Flair kicks her way out of the hold. Flair and Rousey trade submission attempts. Flair traps Rousey in the Figure Eight. Rousey rolls over to reverse the pressure. Both Flair and Rousey roll out of the ring. Flair goes up top. Rousey pulls Flair back to the apron.

Rousey slams Flair to the floor with another armdrag. Flair tosses a charging Rousey into the barricade with an exploder. Rousey and Flair get in each other’s faces. Rousey hits another Piper’s Pit. Flair gets her foot on the bottom rope. Rousey argues with the referee. Flair hits Natural Selection. Rousey kicks out. Flair is livid. Flair tries another Figure Eight. Rousey kicks Flair away but she accidentally spears the referee in the process. Rousey locks Flair in the Rousey Armbar. Flair taps out but there is no referee. Rousey helps the referee up. Flair lands the Queen’s Boot for the win!

Winner: Charlotte Flair

Ratings: 3 out of 5 stars.

The KO Show

Before Owens can speak, the crowd drowns him out with “Austin” chants. Owens welcomes the crowd to the main event edition of the Kevin Owens Show. The Crowd boos. Owens says if the United Stated was a human body, Texas would be the ass. Owens says he wants to apologize to every Texan out there. He’s sorry for telling god’s honest truth about this horrible state. It’s even worse than he remembered. Owens asks the crowd if they are excited for his guest tonight. He doesn’t care, so he’s going to continue telling everyone how much he hates Austin. Owens is going to sit Austin down in this chair and he’s going to tell him how much he sucks. Austin will do nothing because if he does, Owens will drop him with a Stunner and pour a beer over him.

Stone Cold Steve Austin’s music hits. The crowd goes nuts. Austin celebrates on the stage. Austin walks to the back. In the ring, Owens laughs. Austin drives down to the ring on an ATV. Owens is not amused. Owens yells for them to cut the music. This is his show. The crowd drowns him out with “Austin” chants again. Owens tells Austin to take a seat. Austin just glares at Owens. Owens tells Austin to calm down and take a seat. He’s not here for a fight, he just wants a nice chat. Austin eventually sits down. Owens thanks Austin for accepting his invitation. Austin says Owens wants to have a conversation? Austin calls Owens a stupid SOB for all the trash he’s been talking about him and the great state of Texas. Owens says Texas isn’t great like Canada. Owens runs down Texas… again.

Austin says in about five seconds Owens is going to have 75 thousand people calling him an asshole. The crowd obliges. Owens asks Austin to not be like the stereotypical rude Texan. Austin should be more like Owens, a distinguished Canadian. Owens says he’s going to let Austin in on a secret. He didn’t actually invite Austin on here to talk. Even though Owens has a bad back, he’s looking for a fight. He brought Austin out here to challenge him to a match. Owens knows Austin’s knee, back, and neck is probably in even worse shape now. Owens wants a no holds barred match right here right now. Austin just glares at Owens. Owens says Austin knows he is telling himself he can’t beat him. Owens says Austin knows he’s right. Austin doesn’t say a word. Owens tells Austin to get the hell out of the ring.

Austin says he had his first match in Dallas, Texas and he could have his last match here. Austin asks the crowd if they want him to beat up this sack of shit and if so to give him a hell yeah. The crowd gives him a hell yeah. Austin asks for a referee.

Stone Cold Steve Austin Vs. Kevin Owens – No Holds Barred Match

Owens and Austin get in each other’s faces. Austin and Owens trade strikes. Austin stomps Owens in the corner. Owens gets sent into the other corner. Austin catches a beer and stomps Owens in the corner again. Austin tosses Owens out of the ring. Austin drinks some more beer. Owens sends Austin into the barricade. Austin explodes off the barricade with a lariat. Austin drops Owens on the barricade. Owens sends Austin into the ring post. Owens lands a few strikes before setting up a table. Austin sends Owens through his own table. Austin sends Owens over the barricade. The two men fight into the crowd. Austin tries a suplex but Owens reverses it and hits a suplex of his own.

Owens kicks Austin in the gut. Austin fires back with a few shots. Owens sends Austin over the barricade. Owens climbs the barricade. Austin tosses Owens onto the announce table. Austin drinks a few more beers before unloading on Owens on the announce table. Austin spits a beer in Owens’ face. Owens stuns Austin on the top rope. Owens gets on Austin’s ATV and tries to leave. Austin attacks Owens from behind. Austin drives Owens up the ramp to the stage. Austin hits a suplex on the stage. Austin hits another suplex on the stage. Austin grabs two more beers and drinks them. Owens Stuns Austin. Austin kicks out! Owens grabs a chair. Owens swings the chair and Austin ducks. The chair bounces off the ropes and hits Owens in the face. Austin hits the Stunner for the win!

Winner: Stone Cold Steve Austin

Ratings: No stars needed, it was just pure GOLD!!

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