WWE Wrestlemania Backlash 2022 Results (May 08, 2022) – The Bloodline RULES!!!

Photo Credit: WWE
WWE Wrestlemania Backlash 2022 Full Results – May 08, 2022
Seth Rollins Vs. Cody Rhodes
Rhodes and Rollins trade submission attempts. Rhodes tries a Goldust-Esq dropdown uppercut but Rollins blocks it. Rollins mocks Rhodes. Rollins is ready for him tonight. Rhodes tries a powerslam but Rollins puts on the brakes and rolls him up for a near fall. Rhodes looks perturbed. Rollins laughs in his face. After a lock-up, Rollins slaps Rhodes in the back of the head. Rhodes decks Rollins. Rollins runs around the ring. Rhodes follows and gets caught with a boot as he rolls back in. Rollins chokes Rhodes in the corner till he rolls out of the ring. Rollins lands a knee that sends Rhodes crashing to the floor.
Rhodes sends Rollins into the ring steps. Rhodes runs into a clothesline by Rollins. Rollins brings Rhodes back into the ring. Rollins works over Rhodes. Rhodes surprises Rollins with a delayed gourd buster. Rhodes lands a disaster kick. Rollins kicks out. Rollins begs off. Rhodes tries another springboard but Rollins just pushes him off the top rope. Rollins launches Rohdes into the barricade. Rollins continues his assault. Rhodes tries to fire up but Rollins stops him by sitting out of his sunset flip into a pin. Rhodes reverses it into a pin of his own. Rollins kicks out.
Both men end up fighting up top. Rhodes lands a nasty delayed verticle superplex. Rollins and Rhodes trade strikes.
Rhodes sends Rollins over the top with a clothesline. Rhodes does a double jump dive but Rollins moves out of the way. Rollins tries a suicide dive but is cut off by an elbow from Rhodes. Rhodes hits a Cody Cutter. Rollins kicks out. Rollins tries a Pedigree. Rhodes escapes. Rollins lands a superkick. Rhodes kicks out. Rhodes avoids the Stomp. Rollins escapes Crossroads. Rhodes almost lands a Pedigree. Rollins escapes and lands a series of elbows followed by a falcon arrow. Rhodes kicks out at 2.9.
Rollins counters a springboard from Rhodes into a buckle bomb. Frog splash by Rollins. Rhodes kicks out again! Rollins misses a phoenix splash but lands on his feet. Rollins runs into a superkick from Rhodes. Rhodes goes up top. Rollins leaps up top and hits a superplex. Rollins tries to transition into a falcon arrow but Rhodes reverses that into Crossroads. Rollins’ foot is on the bottom rope. Rhodes misses a moonsault. Rollins finally lands a Pedigree. Rhodes kicks out. Rhodes hits another Cross Rhodes and tries to hit another one but Rollins reverses it into a roll up for two count and after few roll-ups Rhodes rolls up Rollins to win the match.
Winner: Cody Rhodes
Ratings: 4 out of 5 stars.
Bobby Lashley Vs. Omos w/MVP
Both big men get right to work as they exchange blows in the middle of the ring. Omos tries to push Lashley off but that just makes Bobby hit him harder. MVP jumps on the apron long enough to distract Bobby so that Omos can hit him with a big boot before sending him into the corner. Running elbows and splashes take Bobby Lashley off his feet and now Omos takes complete control.To slow the pace, Omos wraps his hands around Bobby’s head as he starts to squeeze his skull. A few punches to the gut of Omos looks like he might start a comeback, but Omos palms his forehead and throws him to the outside where MVP yells at him. Bobby gets in the ring and Omos scoops Lashley up and hits him with the snake eyes in the corner. As Lashley crawls on the rope, Omos chokes him with all his weight on Bobby’s back before pulling him back and going for another slam.
Lashley slips free and starts the comeback with a few boots to the gut before jumping on his back for the sleeper hold. Omos slings him off and then Omos misses a corner splash which allows Bobby Lashley to start hitting him with right hands, boots and shoulder thrusts. Bobby Lashley wraps Omos arms up in the ropes so that he has nowhere to go, and then Bobby unleashes more closed fist strikes to the helpless Omos. MVP tries to help him break free but is unsucessful. Lashley then traces him down and puts MVP in the Hurt Lock.
Omos breaks free and then grabs Bobby off of MVP but is not able to gain control as Lashley continues the attack before locking in the Hurt Lock on Omos after a brief struggle. Omos begins to fade but then backs Bobby into the corner to break the hold. Omos then beats Lashley down in the corner. As Omos runs in for another splash, Lashley gets his feet up and takes control again. He backs Omos into the corner and goes for more shoulder thrusts before pulling the big man to the center of the ring. He goes for a suplex but Omos gets free. As Omos runs in, Lashley hits him with a spinebuster but when Bobby goes for the spear, Omos gets the knee up. As Omos distracts the ref, MVP hits Bobby with the cane which then allows Omos to hit Bobby Lashley with the double handed chokeslam and pick up the win.
Winner: Omos
Ratings: 2.5 out of 5 stars
Edge Vs. AJ Styles: Damian Priest is BARRED from Ringside
AJ goes right to work and backs Edge into the corner and stomps away. Edge exits the ring to get away but AJ chases and keeps the offense coming. A slam into the steps and apron first and then followed up by a face slam to the announcers table. AJ rolls Edge into the ring but Edge rolls to the other side and back out to the outside. AJ Styles flies through the ropes with a dropkick that sends Edge tumbling. AJ then hits a springboard moonsault to the outside.He slides Edge in and goes for the Phenominal Forearm early but Edge kicks the rope and then throws AJ into the corner, should first to take control. Edge starts working on AJ’s shoulder with multiple offensive moves including a springboard on the outside into the corner post. Edge slams AJ’s arm on the steel steps before rolling him in the ring and immediately hitting him with an arm wrench whip to the canvas shoulder first.
Edge applies a shoulder lock to slow the pace down and really start wrenching on the arm,After a good amount of work on AJ’s shoulder, Styles is able to turn things around with his traditional pele’ kick and now both men are out for a breather. They both get up and hit the ropes, but they hit each other with a cross body to each other. As both men get up, AJ takes control with fast paced action but as he goes to pick Edge up in the fireman carry, his shoulder gives out. Edge escapes only for a second before getting a suplex, followed by a 2 count. AJ works Edge into the corner and puts him on the top rope where he hits Edge with a hurricanrana followed by a 2 count. AJ Styles looks like hes going for the Styles clash, but Edge escapes but AJ picks him up for the fireman carry neckbreaker that picks him up another 2 count.
AJ allows Edge the chance to get up and starts working over Edge’s leg but that doesn’t last long before Edge hits a shoulder breaker followed by a crossface. After a few seconds, AJ breaks free and immediately puts Edge in the calf crusher. AJ wrenches back for a good amount of time before Edge is finally able to reach the bottom rope. Edge holds on to the corner and as AJ pulls him off for a german suplex, he rips the turnbuckle off. Edge goes for a spear moments later but AJ moves and Edge runs into the exposed turnbuckle that only gets him a 2 count.
Edge hits a spear out of nowhere on AJ that only gets him a 2 count as well and now both men are struggling to get to their feet.They get to their feet and AJ Styles immediately takes control as he hits the face first suplex on the top rope to AJ, followed by the Styles Clash. 1…2… KICK OUT BY EDGE! AJ can’t believe it but he goes for the springboard phenominal forearm but his shoulder wont allow it so he goes to the top rope. As this happens, Priest makes his way out but so does Finn Balor who takes Priest out. AJ is distracted during this and a hooded figure comes and throws AJ off the rope which then allows Edge to put him in the crossface, wrenching on his shoulder. AJ fights it as long as he can but eventually passes out.
Winner: Edge
Ratings: 4 out of 5 stars
After the match, the hooded figure comes into the ring, bows to Edge and then reveals themselves to be Rhea Ripley with fresh new black hair.
Charlotte Flair (c) Vs. Ronda Rousey: ‘I Quit’ Match for the Smackdown Women’s Championship
Charlotte goes for the boot right away but misses and Ronda hits her with multiple knees. Ronda picks Charlotte up but Flair hits Ronda with a back elbow to slow her down for a second. Ronda answers back with multiple judo throws but Charlotte is able to recover quickly and clotheslines Ronda to the mat. Charlotte starts toying with Ronda which proves to be a mistake when Ronda reverses the scoop slam into one of her own. Ronda goes for Pipers Pit but Charlotte reverses that herself into a german suplex on Rousey.Charlotte celebrates which allows Ronda to regain herself and get back on the offense. Rousey hits a running knee and then a rolling armbar. Charlotte rolls to the outside to break the hold and then begins to slam Ronda into the barricade on the outside. Flair follows that up with chops as the ref puts the mic in Ronda’s face to see if she quits. She doesnt.
Flair begins talking trash but Ronda reverses a toss and throws Charlotte into the corner post before throwing her into the timekeeper area. As Ronda grabs the mic to check, Charlotte hits Rousey with a big boot. Rousey is not ready to quit. Flair goes under the ring and grabs a kendo stick. Flair misses the first shot, Ronda gets her hands on the kendo stick and now Charlotte is running away as Ronda starts to chase. Charlotte goes to the backstage area but then comes back out with 2 kendo sticks. She knocks Ronda’s away and then hits her one time. Rousey no sells it and then takes Charlottes kendo sticks. A quick star wars pose before Rousey unleashes both kendo sticks all over Charlotte Flair. Flair is not ready to quit.They have made their way back to the ring and both kendo sticks appear to be broken. Charlotte grabs the camera from the camera man and throws it at Ronda. She misses and then runs into the crowd where Ronda chases after.
Charlotte throws a drink in Rondas face and then throws her into the wall to take Ronda out. She puts Rousey in a headlock and starts walking her up the stairs. She places Ronda in the railings and starts unloading knees to Ronda’s chest before wrenching back on her neck. The ref checks and Rousey is not quitting.Charlotte grabs a chair and tries to hit Ronda with a chair but Ronda catches it and Charlotte runs back to the ring area. As Ronda goes for a chairshot, Charlotte kicks it out of her hands and then slams Ronda on the announcers table multiple times. Charlotte then hits a powerbomb to the barricade on Ronda Rousey as the ref checks. Rousey is refusing to quit.
Charlotte is now furious and starts taunting Rousey but that just wakes up and angers Rousey as she starts to gain control. She goes for another Pipers Pit but Charlotte rakes the eyes, escapes and throws Rousey into the corner post. She follows that up by throwing Ronda into the steel steps as well. Charlotte goes to the top rope to go for her signature moonsault but Rousey knocks her down and Flair is caught in the tree of woe. Rousesy throws her in the arm bar and the ref checks. Charlotte says no as Rousey rips at her arm until Flair’s legs get free and both ladies fall to the floor. Both ladies get up at the same time and Flair grabs a chair and starts hitting Rousey in the hip with the chair. Rousey gets in the ring with the chair, but Flair sneaks in and hits the Natural Selection to Rousey on the chair.
The ref checks on Ronda and she still says no. Flair locks in her Figure four and gets in the bridge as the ref checks. Ronda says “never bitch” and then grabs the chair and breaks the figure four with it. Flair sets up the chair and tells Ronda this is her last chance “happy mothers day” but then Ronda grabs her arm, pulls it through the chair and puts the armbar on as she wrenches the chair against her elbow. Charlotte Flair says “I quit!”
Winner & NEW Smackdown Women’s Champion: Ronda Rousey
Ratings: 4 out of 5 stars.
Happy Corbin Vs. Madcap Moss
Moss lands a few strikes. Corbin cuts him off with a choke breaker. Corbin lands a knee that sends Moss into the ring post. Corbin works over Moss. Moss eventually pins Corbin after a sunset flip.
Winner- Madcap Moss
Ratings: 2 out of 5 stars.
The Bloodline Vs. RK-Bro & Drew McIntyre – 6 Man Tag Team Match
Riddle and Jimmy start the match. Jimmy lands a few strikes. Jimmy sends Riddle into the corner. Riddle leapfrogs Jimmy and grabs a gut wrench. Riddle walks Jimmy to the corner to tag in McIntyre. McIntyre suplexes Jimmy before pointing at Reigns. McIntyre wants Reigns now. Reigns says no, no. Heyman tells Reigns not now and that he loves him. Reigns tells Jimmy to tag him in, which he does. Reigns bows up at McIntyre. Before they lock up. Reigns tags out. This is Reigns’ show. This will happen on his time. Jey tags in and eats a boot from McIntyre. Riddle tags in and after a distraction, gets stomped out by the Usos. The Usos beat down Riddle. Reigns tags in and continues the assault.
As Reigns tags in Riddle manages to make it to McIntyre. Reigns is finally forced to face off with McIntyre. McIntyre and Reigns trade blows. McIntyre tosses Reigns clear across the ring with an overhead throw. Leaping neck breaker by McIntyre. McIntyre calls for the Claymore. Jey distracts McIntyre long enough for Reigns to lands a Superman Punch. Reigns works over McIntyre. Reigns floors McIntyre. Reigns grabs his titles and poses with them during the match. Reigns hands the belts to Heyman. Reigns turns around and eats a Claymore. Reigns manages to tag in Jimmy as McIntyre tags in Orton.
Orton clears the ring. Hangman’s DDT by Orton. Orton calls for the RKO. Jey charges in but gets dumped out of the ring. Reigns tries a Spear but Orton hits a thunderous RKO. Jimmy Superkicks Orton. Orton stumbles and hits an RKO anyway. Jey breaks up the pin. McIntyre tries a Claymore but Jimmy counters with a Superkick. Double Superkick by the Usos. McIntyre falls out of the ring. Orton tags in Riddle clears the ring. Riddle lands the Floating Bro on Jey. Jey kicks out. Orton calls for an RKO. Jey lands a pop up neck breaker. Orton breaks up the pin.
Orton stomps Jey outside the ring. Reigns leaps off the ring steps and drops Orton with a Superman Punch. McIntyre sends Reigns into the ring steps. McIntyre tries to put Reigns through the announce table but Jimmy breaks it up. Reigns Rock Bottoms McIntyre through the announce desk. Riddle lands a dive, which crushes Reigns and Jimmy. Jey lands a dive. Jey goes up top. Riddle pops up top and hits an RKO off the top rope! Riddle turns around and gets Speared by Reigns. Reigns pins Riddle.
Winner – The Bloodline
Ratings: 4.5 out of 5 stars