WWE Wrestlemania Backlash Results (16th May 2021)


Photo Credit: WWE

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WWE Wrestlemania Backlash Results – 16th May 2021

Kick Off Show:

Sheamus (c) Vs. Ricochet – United States Championship

Sheamus dominated Ricochet as soon as the ring bells. Ricochet fights back with some offense and hits a beautiful lionsault for two count. Sheamus hits back Ricochet with a vicious knee but Ricochet surprises Sheamus with a Backstabber. Ricochet hits a 450 splash for a nearfall.

Ricochet goes for the 650 splash but Sheamus moves, Sheamus tries to hit the Brogue Kick but Ricochet moves and rolls him up for a two count. Sheamus hits Ricochet with a vicious knee for the pinfall.

Winner: Sheamus

After the match, Sheamus tries to cut a promo but Ricochet attacks him and takes his hat and poses with it.

Decent Kickoff Match

Rating: 2.5 out of 5 Star

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