WWE Wrestlemania Backlash Results (16th May 2021)


Photo Credit: WWE

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Bianca Belair (c) Vs. Bayley – Smackdown Women’s Championship

Both women goes back and forth at the start of the match. Bayley takes control over Belair and hits the side suplex for a nearfall. Belair performs a deadlift suplex on Bayley for the two count. Bayley hits a front suplex on Belair onto the steel steps for a nearfall.

Bayley hits a modified sidewalk slam on Belair for two count. Bayley mocks Belair and laughs at her. Belair is fired up and she attacks Bayley but Bayley fights back. Belair hits a spinebuster on Bayley for a two count. Bayley hits a flying elbow drop on Belair for nearfall.

Bayley tries to roll up Belair and grab the ropes for extra leverage, Belair kicks out. Bayley rakes Belair’s eyes and hits a Bayley to Belly for another two count. Bayley tries to hit the Rose Plant but Belair surprises her with a roll up for victory.

Decent match, but ending is a bit underwhelming. Most likely it’s because this rivalry will continue and culminate at the next PPV.

Winner: Bianca Belair

Rating: 3 out of 5 Star.

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