05 Biggest Takeaways from IMPACT Wrestling (Sept. 2nd, 2021)

Photo Credit: IMPACT Wrestling
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5. Are the IInspiration on the horizon?
We saw Taylor Wilde teaming up with Rachael Ellering and Jordyn Grace to defeat The Influence in the opening contest. With all these tag teams and alliances, the world could see one of the hottest free agents in women’s tag team wrestling. Impact seems like a perfect fit for Cassie Lee and Jessica McKay.
4. W. Morrissey and Moose is one dangerous alliance.
W. Morrissey and Moose have the common enemies of Sami Callihan and Eddie Edwards. In this week’s episode, they have united to make a temporary alliance and admit that they’d stab each other in the back. It would be pretty interesting to see two top heels of Impact team up and cause destruction on the roster. All to culminate with one big match against each other has money written all over.
3. VBD delivers another great Vignette.
Since returning to Impact, Eric Young has been giving some of the scariest vignettes almost every week. This week was no different as he tried to cure Rhyno of his sickness after losing their tag titles. Now that they have lost the Tag Titles seeing where they go next as the most dangerous stable in Impact Wrestling is interesting.
2. Josh Alexander is on his way to cementing himself as the Greatest X-Division Champion.
This week Josh Alexander put on another matt classic against a former X-Division champion Jake Christ. After putting on a fantastic title defense, Alexander is interrupted by X-Division legend Chris Sabin. And with that, it is official Alexander will face Sabin at Victory Road. This match has the potential of being one of the greatest X-Division championship matches in Impact history.
1. How to be a Professional is the best thing happening on Impact every week.
After losing the biggest match of his career, Brian Myers manages to steal the show every week without wrestling. Every week he teaches Sam Beale some ridiculous wrestling lessons. With his one-liners towards Cardonna every week, Myers has another great gimmick once again.