10 WORST Money In The Bank Matches

In terms of WWE’s cavalcade of gimmick matches, one of them they’ve managed to maintain very well and keep fans excited for is Money In The Bank. A multi-man ladder match that nearly guarantees a main event push and potential world title run, it’s cash-ins have led to some of the most memorable moments of the past decade and a half. However, for all the great moments the gimmick has created, they have fallen on their sword a few times with matches that were not quite so good. These matches may not necessarily be bad but just the worst of a generally great stipulation.

10. WrestleMania 22 Ladder Match

There was nothing wrong per se with the 2nd ever MITB match but it just felt like quite a drop-off from the first. A match for the mid-card talent pool it was not short on starpower but had some obvious write-offs such as veteran but non-main eventer Finlay, a fan-rejected Bobby Lashley and less-popular-than-his-brother Matt Hardy.
It also didn’t have a whole host of memorable moments with the exception of the mandatory annual dive onto everyone and 56-year-old Ric Flair being superplexed off of a ladder. In the end, Rob Van Dam won which was likely the right result but he had triumphed over mostly unestablished names within the company.
Not a bad match, it proves how of all the good MITB matches even the fine ones are within the 10 worst.