10 WORST Money In The Bank Matches

1. Men’s Money In The Bank 2019

As mentioned in the worst Hell In A Cell matches list, sometimes the ending of a match can make a match’s legacy and that is the case for this match.
A match featured top yet underrated workers such as Andrade, Finn Balor and Ricochet, there were certainly good pitches for winners whether that be a mid-card workhorse or a previous failed prospect like Drew McIntyre or Baron Corbin. One person taken out of the match pre-performance was Sami Zayn who was not replaced in the match.
The ending saw Ali seconds away from retrieving the contract before Brock Lesnar rushed down, not having to wrestle any earlier only to pick up the scraps and win. A perfect metaphor for WWE’s use of Lesnar once every blue moon to swoop in take the spots of more deserving talent, all this did was further infuriate the fanbase.
This hurt more than anybody (including the fan accidently hit by a ladder ‘The Beast’ pushed over) was Ali. Made to look an absolute fool, he had to stand there frozen as he had to wait to be prevented from winning by Lesnar.
An ultimately stupid, irritating and actively damaging result, it is rightly condemned by everyone as Lesnar had no part just turning up and winning whilst the others worked for diddly squat. However, a positive from this is we did have Brock’s boombox gimmick – so that’s something I guess.