10 WORST Money In The Bank Matches

8. Money In The Bank 2012

A match populated by all recognized stars, it made the match stipulation being used for the exact opposite of its function. Yes, it was won by that ‘rising star’ (who had already been a multi-time world champion): John Cena.
Cena triumphed over Kane, Chris Jericho, Big Show and The Miz in a match with a few big moments but nothing new. There was the spot where the biggest wrestler is buried with ladders, a finisher through an announce table and the big ladder for the heavier wrestlers.
After dominating most of the match – as is tradition – Cena still won, managing to do so in pretty lame fashion. In a terrible, likely botched ending, the MITB briefcase fell off whilst Cena was using it as a weapon. This meant it came loose before John had knocked his opponent off the ladder meaning he had to quickly hit Big Show with it to incapacitate him, hitting him after the bell and looking like a massive heel for it.