3 Reasons WHY AEW is in BIG Trouble

Photo Credit: AEW
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My takes on AEW are generally not taken well among the AEW faithful but then again I really don’t care. Facts are facts. With Triple H firmly in charge of WWE creative now, Tony Khan needs to understand or it’s going to hit the fan really fast. I’m going to give you 3 huge reasons AEW is in trouble going forward unless things change. Let’s get to it.
Ratings Either Declining or Staying the Same
Here is the issue with Tony Khan, well one of my many. He continues to act like AEW’s ratings are golden and thriving and there not. Anyone with a pair of eyeballs can read and see that. Rampage is legit a waste of a Friday Night slot, pretty sure it just barely got 300k views this past Friday and have had horrible ratings for the last few months. They are getting worse too. The only thing Dynamite has going for it is they turn every damn week into some kind of PPV event and it’s the only reason their ratings pop even a little. But long term that’s not going to work. It just shows that Tony Khan really has no idea what he’s doing and just likes to blow smoke.
Develop and Build Up Homegrown Talent

One thing about AEW I will agree with is that they have the talent to be successful. MJF, Darby Allin, Ricky Starks, Jungle Boy, The Young Bucks, Will Hobbs, Wardlow, The Lucha Bros, Orange Cassidy and I could go on and on. The problem is they don’t have anyone that knows how to book them. Everything is inconsistent when it comes to their booking. AEW constantly overlooks who they have to bring in EX WWE guys/gals and people that no one have heard of from New Japan and they neglect what they have right in front of their face. MJF is a cornerstone for any wrestling company. This dude is straight money and where has he been since his epic pipe bomb? Is it a work? Is it real? All I know is if he can be used for TV AEW needs to get him on ASAP because he is one of the only things thats must see on that program. As Cody Rhodes alluded to on “The Broken Skull Sessions” it just became a meme. Debut on AEW, lose to Cody, go on Jericho’s podcast and then you end up on their barely watched YouTube show AEW: Dark. It’s pretty sad when everyone can see what your doing and you think it’s working when it clearly isn’t.
WWE is Firing on All Cylinders and is only Getting Better Under New Leadership

Anyone who watched Summerslam last night can see WWE is headed in a different direction under Triple H and it’s going to be a fresh much better direction at that. Bringing back talent who was either fired or misused is going to be something you see alot of. Dakota Kai and Io Sky were both not under WWE contract and BOOM there they are joining Bayley in which is going to be an exciting stable to watch going forward. Killer Kross is on social media already angling to come back. There have been reports from talent IN AEW that have said they would have never left if HHH was in charge when they were in the company. HHH is going to be able to bring in almost any talent he wants. That hurts AEW especially with already losing Cody Rhodes but what about Brian Cage (who they criminally have misused in AEW), Santana and/or Ortiz, you got Tay Conti begging to wrestle Dakota Kai on Twitter and the inevitable MJF leaving which is going to cripple the place. Khan did say he’s got some talent under contract until 2027 and mocked HHH being in charge but you can tell he feels the fire and if AEW don’t improve and ratings don’t start improving it might be a very dark day for the company.