5 Biggest Takeaways from IMPACT Wrestling (Oct. 07th, 2021)

Photo Credit: IMPACT Wrestling
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5. The Bullet Club vs. FinJuice feels like a lifetime.
A few weeks ago, I wrote about how Chris Bey in the Bullet Club just doesn’t feel right, and I stand by that because Bey could achieve bigger and better things without being part of a stable. Now he’s in a feud with New Japan’s FinJuice for what feels like forever. It was somewhat annoying that they are building the tag team title picture around this match for Bound for Glory.
This match only features two wrestlers who are officially part of the Impact roster. Shouldn’t they focus on a tag team on the roster, not a team that entered the forbidden door? Hopefully, this is the end of this Fin Juice feud, and Chris Bey can maybe face the future Impact World Champion Josh Alexander or Christian Cage?