5 Unknown Facts about Jeff Hardy

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2. OMEGA Championship Wrestling

The Hardys obtained the love for wrestling as kids and their obsession towards the product led them to make their own wrestling videos called “Trampoline Wrestling Federation” in 1994 where the brothers along with some friends mimicked wrestling moves on a trampoline in the brothers’ back yard and taped them. TWF also got integrated in the North Carolina county fair after a point of time. After a few more years, the Hardys had made a name for themselves as enhancement talents in the WWE and created OMEGA Championship Wrestling along with some wrestling friends.
Matt and Jeff took apart the ring and put it back together in every event organized by them. It folded in 1999 after they were signed by the WWE, but Matt revived it in 2013 as they started to do some events with other wrestlers who were close to them. Last year, OMEGA Championship Wrestling formed a partnership with Jeff Jarrett’s Global Force Wrestling and they held an event called “Night of a Champion” where Jeff became the first OMEGA Champion since when they last folded up.