5 Unknown Facts about Jeff Hardy

Photo Credit: NA
1. A multi talented ‘Charismatic Enigma’

Jeff might indeed be a sound technical wrestler inside the ring and an “artist” in his own right in the ring, but he has quite the talent outside it as well. Jeff calls his artistic side “The Imag-I-Nation” and excels at making hand-made stuff. Jeff likes to build giant aluminum sculptures which he calls “aluminummies” and started this as a child. At one stage, he constructed a 30 foot (9.1m) statue of an “aluminummy” which he named “Neroameee” out of tin foil outside his recording studio.
Jeff would also make his own toys out of tin foil after his parents couldn’t afford to buy him the He-Man toy in his childhood. Jeff would also go on to create a large sculpture of his brother’s hand-signal “V1” as an ode and gift to his elder brother. Jeff is also a part-time poet and it seems that his “Charismatic Enigma” tagline not is not only viable for his in-ring character, but also for his personal self.