7 Former Impact Stars to return by Slammiversary 2021?

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Davey Richards (2014 – 2016, Jan – July 2017)

Some will remember Davey Richards for his work alongside Eddie Edwards to become 5x Impact Wrestling Tag Team Champion in the iconic team of “The Wolves”, when I started watching Impact in late 2015 The Wolves would soon be the targets of Decay & sadly Davey Richards would suffer a torn ACL, keeping him out of action/Impact for over 10 months.
For me, it’s Davey Richards’ return to cost Eddie Edwards the World title that springs to mind when people ask me about him. Alongside the brutal, hardcore rivalry that followed between Eddie & Alisha Edwards (that brought Alisha into the spotlight) vs. Angelina Love & Davey Richards. And a return from the Lone Wolf is something I know, a lot of fans are itching to see. How much of an impact a return would lead to is very varied & seeing as the most likely call is for a reunion of The Wolves, that depends really on how Eddie Edwards is being booked.
But The Wolves vs. teams like The Good Brothers, Ace Austin & Mad Man Fulton, Violent By Design’s Deaner & Joe Doering & of course Crazzy Steve & Decay’s new Monster Black Taurus would be potential card stealing matches (especially with Ace & Fulton from a personal perspective). Is a return from Davey on the table? Probably not, but it would be one of the biggest pops in recent history. Slammiversary 2020 broke the internet with the stars they had coming in, even for the short term like EC3 so, if Impact could reunite The Wolves, even if it’s just for one last dance? Take my money!