7 Former Impact Stars to return by Slammiversary 2021?

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Samoa Joe (2005-2015)

The biggest shock of the Wrestlemania departures this year, as soon as news broke on Samoa Joe’s release, fans were already booking him as the one to dethrone Kenny Omega & bring the Impact World Championship back to the company. And when his image appeared in Slammiversary’s trailer the excitement for the upcoming event spiked just as high, if not more than last year. After seeing how Impact has helped reinvent EC3, Matt Cardona, Heath, Deonna Purrazo, Brian Myers & Eric Young over the last year, it’s very hard to see why anyone wouldn’t be excited to see Samoa Joe return.
But from a personal perspective I see a similar situation with Samoa Joe that we saw with returning legends such as RVD or Tommy Dreamer, but with more appeal to the current audience. The biggest or best way to book him wouldn’t be to dethrone Kenny Omega or Moose (depending on who’s coming out on top at Against All Odds), it would be a brief return, as a full Heel character to build up for a huge showcase match at Bound For Glory either against Moose or Sami Callihan (who I see getting that title match he’s long overdue by Slammiversary, especially if Omega beats Moose at Against All Odds).