AEW – Gloom, Doom & Dynamite (11th May 2021)

Photo Credit: AEW
And we have a six man tag match to sit through now.
Match #2-Pac & Penta & Eddie Kingston Vs. The Young Bucks & Brandon Cutler
The Young Bucks are decent, I guess, but decent can’t carry pathetic.
It’s only 9:27pm…Jesus Lord, protector of all that is good and Holy, preserve me through these next 93 minutes.
Cutler brought in the hardway whilst wearing the Hannibal Lecter mask. Taking appropriate punishment from Pac. Penta looks like anorexic La Parka sans folding chair (and talent).
A low blow to Cutler, followed by an open palm chop by Penta. Kingston in the ring now. Double Stomp ala Kevin Sullivan followed by a two count. And for some reason, the crowd is into this. Someone should alert them to reality. Pac tags himself in. Apparently there is a lot of animosity between the team of Pac, Penta and Kingstong.
Cutler continues to take punishment and tags in Matt Jackson.
Pac Poses. Outside action going on with the Young Bucks. We go to commercial but remain with “Picture-In-Picture.” Commercials should occur at tense moments to keep you interested, step away for a few moments and THEN come back! Not this nonsense!
And unfortunately we are “back” from our “break.” Pac isn’t terrible but I feel he is surrounded by garbage. This Kingston guy needs to go blow his brains out to prevent us from having to watch him.
My God, Please. Let this match end. I’ve seen enough and enough is too much.
The crowd is somehow, for some reason, into this. Am I missing something? 450 splash from Pac into “The Brutalizer.”
Winner: PAC, Penta & Eddie Kingston
Gallows and Anderson arrive (for some reason). Kazarian arrives to join the fray. Cutler catches a lariat from Kazarian. And now I guess this thing is over?