AEW – Gloom, Doom & Dynamite (11th May 2021)

Photo Credit: AEW
-Commercial Break-
I need more liquor.
Cocktail #3. We are back from commercial and Pinnacle has arrived. Thank God for Tully Blanchard. What a legend. The Pinnacle cuts a promo on The Inner Circle
Now, MJF has the microphone and is attempting to cut a promo on Chris Jericho. Good Luck.
Sweet Jesus. Thank God! Jericho arrives. It’s not much but it’s at least something entertaining.
And the Inner Circle is destroying Pinnacle’s limousine with sledge hammers and box cutters. Actually…I kind of enjoy this. This is how you, “Call their bluff.” You let your opponents spew their BS and then you destroy something valuable to them.
Okay. I can get behind this. This doesn’t suck. It’s not great. But it doesn’t suck.