IMPACT Slammiversary 2021 Results (17th July, 2021) – LIVE COVERAGE

Photo Credit: IMPACT Wrestling
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Eddie Edwards vs. W. Morrissey
Morrissey pushes Edwards to the corner, Edwards with chops, Morrissey hits a fall away slam. Morrissey chokes Edwards in the ropes, Edwards hits a back elbow, Morrissey hits a big boot, Edwards goes crashing out of the ring. Edwards throws Morrissey’s leg into the ring post. Morrissey drives Edwards into the apron. Morrissey with a big right hand, Edwards hits a neckbreaker into the ropes, Morrissey hits a shoulder block driving Edwards from the apron into the barricade.
Eddie suplexes Morrissey. nife edge chops by Eddie and he soon topes towards W., but he catches Eddie and chokeslams him harshly on the apron. Morrissey goes in to break the count and drags Eddie up on the stage. He goes to powerbomb Eddie, but Eddie turns it into a back body drop. Eddie nails him with a Boston Knee Party. Eddie answers the ten count and so does W. Morrissey catches him and hits a standing F5.
Later on Eddie fights back with a top rope sunset flip powerbomb. He kicks W. and then hits a blue thunder bomb for a very near fall. “That was three” chants. Eddie goes for a Boston Knee Party but W. puts the ref in front of him. He then hits Eddie with a running boot to the heart. Two count. Eddie soon nails W. with a BKP, but that sends Morrissey to the outside. He removes a chain from his boot and slugs Eddie with it, which the ref doesn’t see. A standing powerbomb ends it.
WINNER: W. Morrissey
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Adding on to the end of the night, Fin Juice run out to attack the Elite/Bullet Club, taking everyone out until Jay White hits his finisher on David Finlay (or Juice Robinson can’t tell when not in ring gear) then makes a break for the ramp to join Don Callis, Kenny Omega & The Good Brothers as Sami Callihan jumps back in the ring.
We seem to be (finally) moving on from AEW vs Impact Wrestling to Impact Wrestling vs NJPW (or The Bullet Club)