IMPACT Slammiversary 2021 Results (17th July, 2021) – LIVE COVERAGE

Photo Credit: IMPACT Wrestling
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An interview with an Impact superfan. Mad Man Fulton and Shera interrupt, they argue with the ref, Scoot Damore make his entrance. Says he is excited to see fans in the Impact Zone, asks if they are ready for action, says he ran into a couple of guys who are ready to throw some dukes, introduces FinJuice!
Mahabali Shera & Madman Fulton Vs. Fin Juice
Fulton and Shera argues throughout the match and Fin Juice takes the advantage of the same and hits their double team finisher for the victory.
Winner: Fin Juice
Rating: 1.5 out of 5 stars
Chris Sabin vs. Moose
Sabin evades Moose briefly with some major attacks, including a missed dropkick in the corner. Leg whip by Sabin. Straight right hand to Sabin up top, but it’s Sabin who nails Moose with a leaping hurricana. Another dragon whip by Sabin which leads to a figure four. Sabin gets a two count with Moose’s shoulders on the mat. Moose shoves Chris in the corner after the hold breaks, There’s a very harsh snake eyes in the second turnbuckle by Moose. He corners Chris before bealing him across the ring. Moose harshly chops Chris on the apron. Chin lock by Moose. Sabin bites Moose, but Moose powers him up for a fallaway slam. He kips up, goes for a moonsault, but Sabin rolls out of the way.
Sabin gets back on the offense by punt kicking Moose from the apron and then leaping on top of him to the outside. He sends Moose back in the ring and leaps off top for a tornado DDT. Two count. Sabin climbs up top, but Moose scampers up for a fallaway moonsault from up top! Sabin wisely rolls out of the ring. Sabin attacks Moose on the outside, but Moose catches him, powerbombs him on the apron, but holds on to him to fling him at the barricades repeatedly. Sabin just barely answers the count at nine. Sabin gets a schoolboy, 2 count. sunset flip pin, 2 count. victory roll, 3 count!
Winner: Chris Sabin
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Adding on to the end of the night, Fin Juice run out to attack the Elite/Bullet Club, taking everyone out until Jay White hits his finisher on David Finlay (or Juice Robinson can’t tell when not in ring gear) then makes a break for the ramp to join Don Callis, Kenny Omega & The Good Brothers as Sami Callihan jumps back in the ring.
We seem to be (finally) moving on from AEW vs Impact Wrestling to Impact Wrestling vs NJPW (or The Bullet Club)