Impact Wrestling Results 05/27/21

Photo Credit: IMPACT Wrestling
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Coming back from a commercial, Gia Miller asks Callis if he has the power to make this match. Before offending anyone else, Scott D’Amore confirms this match is happening tonight.
Josh Alexander & Petey Williams vs. TJP & Fallah Bahh
After running in the X-Division, TJP reunites with his good friend Fallah Bahh to take on Petey Williams and Josh Alexander. It has been quite a while since Fallah Bahh has been in a ring, and he handled the X-Division champion impressively at the beginning of the match. Alexander and Williams are hitting some excellent tag team offense, and with their matching attires, it looks like they are teasing a modern era of the legendary stable Team Canada. But Bahh is the significant factor that helps TJP hit the Mamba Splash and pin the X-Division Champion clean.
Winners: TJP & Fallah Bahh
Backstage: Gia Miller is conducting a sit-down interview with W. Morrissey. He talks about everyone in this industry is fake and phony when the cameras are rolling, but they’ll bury you behind your back when they’re off. When Morrissey was at his lowest point, none of his so-called friends were there for him, but now that he is Impact, everyone congratulated him. He calls out Rich Swann and then is kicked by Swan immediately security comes in to break them apart.
Gia Miller is back with Havok, Rosemary, Rachael Ellering, Tenille Dashwood, and Kaleb, with a K. Miller points out that Taylor Wilde is missing, and Ellering suggests that Jordynne Grace should join their team. Grace, feeling like a replacement, unhappily accepts.