Photo Credit: IMPACT Wrestling

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The fallout of Against All Odds begins with Gina Miller attempting to get a word with Scott D’Amore on the controversy of the Impact World Title match. Moose rushes into D’Amore’s office and demands a rematch for the title at Slamiversary. D’Amore tells him that he does not have time because someone from Anthem will be here to address the controversy from this past Saturday.

TJP w. Fallah Bah vs. Black Taurus w/ Crazy Steve

What looks like a clash of styles Black Taurus matches the speed with TJP. But something TJP cannot match is Tarus’s power which where he has the advantage. But the veteran TJP beats Taurus with the Mamba Splash. Immediately Moose attacks the victorious Moose and calls out Scott D’Amore, and threatens to high jak the show until he gets another title shot. Out of nowhere, Chris Sabin dropkicks Moose out of the ring and challenges him in a fight.

Winner: TJP

Backstage: Rohit Raju is complaining about the announcement of the Ultimate X match at Slammivsary to Ace Austin. Austin attempts to ally with the Raju, so they have the advantage on the Ultimate X match. Raju shakes Austin’s hand, and it looks like they’re forming a temporary alliance.

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