Impact Wrestling Results 07/08/21 – Callihan destroyed Omega!!!

Photo Credit: IMPACT Wrestling
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Before the opening video, Gia Miller welcomes the Impact World Champion Kenny Omega, and Don Callis and believes that this contract singing will be big.
Brian Myers w/ Sam Beale vs. Jake Something
This rivalry has become personal, and both immediately get into a brawl. Jake Something brings the fight to Brian Myers to the outside. After Myers hits a suplex on the ramp and some help with Sam Beale, Myers takes control. But after some back and forth reversals, Something hits the Blackhole Slam. Myers must now admit to the world that Jake Something is a professional. Myers grabs the mic, and before he admits it, Sam Beale attacks Something from behind. Matt Cardona’s music hit, and after 12 weeks, Cardona returns to get revenge on Myers.
Winner: Jake Something
Backstage: Gia Miller is with the Knockouts Champion Deonna Purrazzo and asks what’s next for her. Purrazzo argues that she never needed Kimber Lee and Susan when she won the Knockouts Championship twice. She goes out to the ring to issue an open challenge to anyone for her Knockouts Championship.
Backstage: Gia Miller tries to get a word with Sami Callihan, and for once, he is in a good mood and welcomes Miller. He is interrupted by a sheriff, who is here to arrest Callihan for assaulting Don Callis. Callihan pushes the sheriff away, and security immediately puts Callihan in handcuffs and takes him away.
Deonna Purrazzo vs. Lady Frost: Knockouts Championship
Lady Frost makes her Impact debut in the biggest match possible in a match for the Knockouts Championship. Deonna Purrazzo confident in her ability trash talks frost in the beginning. Frost gets an opening and feels like she is going to win the match with moonsault but misses. Purrazzo, ready for the pinfall, picks up Frost on the two count to set her for the Fujiwara Armbar to get a quick tap-out victory. Purrazzo grabs the mic and says there is no one left for her face, and then Gail Kim’s music hits as she walks to ring before the commercial break.
Winner: Still Knockouts Champion Deonna Purrazzo.
Before Gail Kim can get a word, Deonna Purrazzo tells her that respect goes both ways and she should not interrupt her. Kim says she is here to talk about Slammiversary, and before she could finish, Purrazzo accepts. But her opponent is not Gail Kim but a mystery opponent of Kim’s and Scott D’Amore’s choosing. At Slammiversary, the world will not only change but so will Purrazzo’s world change.
The latest episode of Swingers Palace sees Chris Sabin entering the Casino, and before he could play a game of Poker, Moose sneaks behind him and attacks. He tells Sabin that at Slammiversary, he will find out why he is a “Wrestling God”.
Backstage: Gia Miller asks Chris Bey what made him decide to join an alliance. This decision doesn’t mean he has friends. It just means he’s picking his side. Keeping his eyes on the
W. Morrissey vs. Manny Smith, Jason Page & Deontae Evans
Before the bell rings, W. Morrissey accepts Eddie Edwards’s challenge for a match at Slammiversary. The three challengers put in no offense getting a violent beating by the giant. He hit a Power Bomb Cholkslam and even an F5 to stack his opponents to pin them with his foot on top, making it easy.
Winner: W. Morrissey
Backstage: Gia Miller asks Don Callis that if it is true that Sami Callihan assaulted him. He is not here to get hurt, and he has the footage that shows his assault. The footage shows the back of “Sami Callihan” attacking Callis. Scott D’Amore apologizes for the assault, but he will still see Callis and Kenny Omega later tonight for the contract signing.
Susan & Kimber Lee vs. Rosemary & Havok
Susan becomes the human Meme once again when she argues that this is not the match she wanted, but Rosemary screams in her face to knock her down. The experienced team of Susan and Kimber Lee is not enough for the power of Havok, taking them both down with ease. Havok sets up Rosemary for a spear allowing the win and becoming Number One Contenders for the Knockouts Tag Team championship.
Winners: Rosemary & Havok
A new episode of All About Me with guests Tenille Dashwood and Kaleb with a K. This week’s host is wrestling legend Jazz. Dashwood confronts Jazz for making Jordyn Grace and Rachael Ellering make up. Dashwood has finally found a friend in Ellering, and Jazz ruined it. Jazz is upset at Dashwood for telling her to quit, and as soon as she backs away, Dashwood attacks her from behind. Back from commercial break officials, Grace and Ellering find Jazz on the floor after the attack.
Ellering and Grace challenge Kaleb with a K and Tenille Dashwood to a match next week on Impact.
Rich Swann and Willie Mack enter the ring to call out Violent By Design for attacking them last week. TJP and Fallah Bah instead come out, and they are also looking for Violent by Design but do not expect Mack and Swan to jump in front of them for the Tag Team title shot. Finally, Violent By Design comes out, but before they could say something, The Good Brothers interrupt and declare themselves as the next Tag Team champions. Tommy Dreamer comes out and confirms that at Slammiversary, these four teams will face a fatal four-way match for the tag team titles. But before then, Dreamer announces an impromptu fatal four-way match.
Rich Swann vs. Karl Anderson vs. TJP vs. Deaner
Brawling starts the match, but later, the two former X-Division champions Rich Swan and TJP, show off their high-flying skills. The more violent Deaner sneaks in to take both of them out. Anderson, the majority of the match, stays outside, choosing his spots. Just like last week, Swan hits a Senton dive to take out all of his opponents. Every competitor pulls out their finishers, and it looked like Deaner was going away with the win, but Swan interrupted the pin. Anderson hits the Gun Stun to get the victory and the momentum for Slammiversary. A staredown between the Good Brothers and Violent By Design, making this match feel bigger.
Winner: Karl Anderson
Backstage: Susan and Kimber Lee are furious about their loss, but Lee has a backup plan when Father James Mitchel welcomes them. Susan tells him he looks familiar, and Mitchel says he will try again, possibly bringing back Su Yung.
Scott D’Amore has the contract ready for the Impact World Champion with Don Callis back in the ring. The footage is shown that it is not Sami Callihan who assaulted Don Callis. It was in John E. Bravo Callihan’s clothes with badly painted tattoos with Johnny Swinger filming. Callihan appears in the ring and attacks Omega with his baseball bat. Omega about to piledrive Callihan on the table is reversed with a low blow and a package piledriver. Callihan signs the contract and delivers a powerbomb, and holds the Impact World Championship up high.