Impact Wrestling Results (July 22nd, 2021) – Switchblade is HERE!!!

Photo Credit: IMPACT Wrestling
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Chris Bey vs. Rohit Raju w/ Shera
The fallout to Slammiversary kicks off with the Ultimate Finesser Chris Bey, who was so close to winning the Impact X-Division champion. The interesting thing to point out is that on Sunday, a Bullet Club t-shirt was left on Bey’s locker room chair teasing a possible new member. Bey and Shera are pretty even throughout the match, knowing each other move with back and forth action. But Raju controls most of the match, but fans are behind Bey in every moment of the match. Bey almost tapped out when Raju had him locked in a cross face for a long time. Bey prevails with the Art of Finesse to win the match.
Winner: Chris Bey
Backstage: Jay White congratulates Chris Bey, who asked if he saw his message and The Bullet Club is looking for the future. Bey tells White that he walks alone, and White responds that walking alone has not helped Bey, and the offer to join the Bullet Club is very limited.
Backstage: Gia Miller is trying to get a word with Impact World Champion Kenny Omega. Instead, Don Callis opens the door and talks about the power he has with Kenny Omega as champion. He does not know why Jay White is here, but if Jay White and anyone else tries to step on Omega, they have to deal with the “Invisible Hand.”
In the ring, fans welcome Mickie James to the Impact Zone. James calls out Deonna Purrazzo to the ring to finish what they started. James does believe that Purrazzo is one of the best of the best and welcomes her NWA Empower the all-women pay-per-view on August 28th. Purrazzo says she knows that she is the best, but she knows James needs her in NWA. She demands James get down on her feet and grovel towards her. Gail Kim’s music hits and enters the ring to put order before something serious happens. She reveals that it was her idea to bring James to Impact and welcome Purrazzo to NWA. Kim and James ask Purrazzo one more time to come to NWA, and finally, Purrazzo shakes James’ hand, accepting the offer.
A new vignette airs for the former Aiden English, now known as Drama King Matt.
Brian Myers, Sam Beale & Tenille Dashwood vs. Matt Cardona, Chelsea Green & Jake Something
At first, Sam Beale takes most of the match to prove something to his mentor Brian Myers. But finally, Chelsea Green gets the hot tag letting women get the spotlight. Green looked like she would win until Kaleb with a K interferes, but the returning Taylor Wilde stops Kaleb. Sam Beale tags himself back but is hit with the Unprettier from Green to get the win.
Winners: Matt Cardona, Chelsea Green & Jake Something
Backstage: Eddie Edwards has some words for W. Morrissey and challenges him to a fight in the parking lot.
Back from the commercial break, Eddie Edwards and W. Morrisey are fighting in the parking lot with a crowd of fans watching along. Morrisey uses the trash can Edwards brought in to take him down. Under a trailer, Edwards brings out two kendo sticks to leave Morrisey running away, and Edwards stands tall in the parking lot.
Backstage: Gia Miller asks the team of Brian Myers and Tenille Dashwood how they will focus as a team with Homecoming around the corner. Dashwood no longer wants to tag with Myers after Taylor Wilde has returned. Myers, furious, blames Sam Beale for losing his partner, but Beale promises he will find Myers, a partner.
“Switchblade” Jay White enters the ring with an excellent ovation in front of the crowd. He lists all his accomplishments, nicknames and ends by saying he is the “Real belt collector. It seems like he is going to call out Kenny Omega but calls out David Finlay. He shouts out to the biggest fans of the Bullet Club, the Good Brothers, and Kenny Omega. He says that the Bullet Club has high standards when rejoining and rejects their application. Omega’s music plays and outcomes Don Callis, The Good Brothers, and Omega himself. Callis remembers when the Bullet Club was great when White was a young boy, and his guys were on top. He tells White that he should be asking them for permission. White reminds them how he beat Omega last time they were in the same ring. Omega is selling his match from Saturday heads to the back. The Good Brothers take the mic and say everyone should be thanking them for the heights the Bullet Club has reached. White tells them that they will never get the heights he’s gone, and they have peaked. Anderson and Gallows attack White then Chris Bey runs out to tease a potential new member of the Bullet Club.
Backstage: Gia Miller asks Josh Alexander what’s next, and he continues to take out the challenges and be a champion this company can be proud of. Kenny Omega walks by and laughs at what Alexander said.
Backstage: The Good Brothers are angry at Jay White and demand that he appreciates what they have done for the Bullet Club. They challenge Chris Bey and Jay White to tag team match next week on Impact.
Fin Juice vs. Ace Austin & Madman Fulton
Impressive tag team maneuvers to Ace Austin from the former Impact tag team champions Fin Juice. But the direction changes when Madman Fulton gets a tag. Austin takes advantage of the damage is muscle Fulton taking care of both Robinson and Finlay. Robinson rolls up Fulton to get the victory. Austin and Fulton attack Fin Juice before they can celebrate. Shera and Rohit Raju also attack FinJuice, and all four men stand tall over the visitors of Impact.
Winners: Fin Juice
Backstage: Rich Swann and Willie Mack call out Violent by Design for blaming them for their loss, and welcome to the ring next week. Out of nowhere, the lights flicker, and Violent by Design attacks Swan and Mack. Eric Young gets in front of the camera and tells them next week; they end them.
Backstage: Gia Miller follows Moose on his way to Scott D’Amore’s office, demanding a rematch with Chris Sabin. Sabin finds them and tells him if he wants a rematch if he is right here. D’Amore gives them a rematch for next week.
Rosemary & Havok w/ Decay vs. Fire ‘N Flava: Knockouts Tag Team Champions
Like every Fire ‘N Flava match, it starts with trash-talking, and with their speed, it seems to work. But the power of Havok is too much for Tasha Steelz. The former two-time tag team champions appear very frustrated they cannot take out the team of Decay. Some miscommunication occurs when Hogan accidentally hits Steelz with a superkick allowing Rosemary and Havok to retain.
Winners: Sill Knockouts Tag Team Champions Rosemary & Havok