Impact Wrestling Results (May 6th, 2020)

Photo Credit: IMPACT Wrestling
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Impact Wrestling Results (May 6th, 2020)
Chris Sabin w/ James Storm vs. Rhino w/ Violent By Design: Under Siege 6-Way Qualifying Match
Two former TNA world champions kick off this week’s episode of Impact in a qualifying match for the 6-Way match at Under Siege. Both wrestlers started slow, trying to wear each other out, but the match took a turn when Violent By Designed made a presence, helping Rhino take the advantage. Sabin came back when both men collided, headbutting each other in the middle of the ring. Sabin came out of nowhere with a magistral cradle picking up the victory, allowing him to punch his ticket to become a two-time Impact Champion at Under Siege.
Winner: Chris Sabin