NXT Takeover 36 Results – Adam Cole Leaving NXT?

Photo Credit: WWE
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WALTER (c) Vs. Ilja Dragunov – NXT UK Championship
870 days as UK Champion, Walter makes his entrance with out Imperium at his side. Walter takes control of the match earlier after a quick back and forth. After some control by Walter, Ilja starts to fight back by hitting a nice power slam and side toss. A quick back and forth again, but Ilja takes control and slows the pace down with some holds down on the mat. Walter gets tired of this game after a minute, picks Dragunov up and sets him on the top rope. Ilja then gets a top rope slap that sends him to the floor from Walter. Walter goes to the outside, powerbombs Dragunov on the apron and throws Ilja back inside so that he can hit him with a throwing german suplex. Walter begins to grind Ilja down with a boston crab that transitions into a side headlock. Walter continues his slow, methodical pick apart with a snapmare and a kick to the head. Dragunov starts to fight back with some chops and clotheslines, but it comes to an end with a overhead suplex by Walter that gets him a 2 count. Walter begins to taunt Ilja at this point as Dragunov is selling this beat down, slowly picking himself up to his feet using the ropes. For his trouble, he gets a kick to his head from Walter. Ilja tries to go chop for chop with Walter but loses that battle, so changes his tactic and takes Walter down with an arm drag that leads to knees to a downed Walter. As Walter tries to get up, Ilja starts chopping to the head and elbows to his neck.
Walter attempts to fight it off by picking Dragunov up but Ilja stops him. Walter eventually gets up and hits a huge chopping clothesline as Dragunov tries a jumping attack followed by a huge clothesline. Only a 2 count for Walter. Both men are down and fighting to get up. They eventually do, but Ilja gets a sound deafening chop to his back that only seems to wake him up. He delivers one of those chops of his own to Walters back and hits him with a german suplex. Walter slap, Ilja kick, Walter chop, Ilja slam. “THIS IS AWESOME” chants start as Dragunov climbs to the top to hit a missle drop kick to a downed Walter. Back to the top for a senton that connects. Ilja to the corner and goes for a Torpedo Moscow but gets caught in a sleeper hold that eventually turns into a sleeper suplex. Dragunov uses his last bit of energy to come back with a Torpedo Moscow followed up by a second. 1! 2! KICK OUT!!! Ilja sits in disbelief as Walter climbs to his feet. Ilja chops Walter 3 times to the chest, one to the leg but Walter hits a chop of his own that drops Ilja. Walter goes up top but ends up getting superplexed and then missle dropkicked again. As both slowly get up,
Walter charges for a drop kick and then hits a powerbomb that only gets him a 2 count. Walter picks Ilja up and then slaps him two times in the face, a knee to the chest of a downed Dragunov and then a splash from the top rope that only gets him a 2 count! A frustrated Walter mounts Ilja and starts dropping elbows. Dragunov fights out and gets another kick but Ilja hits a springboard elbow. Ilja locks in a sleeper but Walter climbs to the top rope and drops them both to break the hold. Ilja comes back with elbows to the back of Walters head and then locks in a sleeper again. Walter gets to his feet and then drops again, but Ilja does not let go. Walter rollsover, Ilja breaks the hold and begins dropping forarms and knees to Walter before putting the sleeper back on and Walter taps immediately!!! ILJA DRAGUNOV WINS!!!!!! He poses in the ring with his hand in the air and a foot on the chest of a downed Walter.
Winner & NEW NXT UK Champion: Ilja Dragunov
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars