Where Are They Now?: All Members of The Million Dollar Corporation
See where the many faces under DiBiase’s demand are today.

Xanta Klaus

Previously working for Smoky Mountain Wrestling and even the WWF as an enhancement talent, the wrestler who would go on to be known as hardcore legend Balls Mahoney had a very short WWF run in late 1995. Debuting at In Your House: Season’s Beatings giving presents to the fans with Savio Vega whilst dressed as Santa Claus before launching an attack and leaving with DiBiase. This was revealed to be Xanta Klaus – an evil present-taker from the South Pole who replaced Kris Kringle’s white features for darker, more sinister attire. With his gimmick’s limited short life, Xanta only had a couple of appearances – beating a pre-fame Scotty 2 Hotty in a squash match on Superstars.
The ECW star would unfortunately pass away on April 12th 2016, just a day after his birthday. He died in his home in New Jersey from a heart attack. In the later years, his family have attempted to sue the WWE in the aforementioned class-action lawsuit.