WWE Clash at the Castle 2022 Full Results – Reigns RETAINS & SHOCKING Heel Turn!!!

Photo Credit: WWE
WWE Clash at the Castle 2022 Full Results – Sept 03, 2022
Street Profits & Madcap Moss Vs. Alpha Academy & Theory
Alpha Academy and Theory dominates Montez Ford throughout the match. Ford fights back and tags Moss in. Moss takes everyone out and tags Dawkins in. Theory and Dawkins goes back and forth. Moss is on fire and all men fights at the ringside. Ford perfoms an amazing Blockbuster off the top rope followed up with another BB on Gable to win the match.
Winner: Street Profits & Madcap Moss
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars.
Bianca Belair, Alexa Bliss & Asuka Vs. DAMAGE CONTROL – 6 Women Tag Team Match.
We start off with Bianca and Bayley in the ring. The crowd is AMAZING as the two ladies soak it in. Bayley attacks Asuka on the apron, Bianca attacks Iyo on the apron and all the ladies enter the ring to start a massive brawl to start the match.
Bianca and Bayley are left standing tall in the ring and the match begins as Bianca takes control. A quick hip throw and dropkick leaves Bayley down but when Bianca goes for the springboard moonsault, Iyo and Dakota pull her out. After a bit more mayhem, all 6 ladies are back in the ring and we see the triple suplex followed by Bianca doing the springboard moonsault on all three members of Damage Control followed by a 2 count. Damage Control exits the ring to regroup. As Bayley comes back in the ring, Alexa is now the legal member so Bayley tags in Iyo Sky.
Alexa ducks a kick but when she goes for her own, Iyo catches it. Alexa hits her with a slap and then whips Iyo into the ropes. Iyo ends up on the mat with Alexa standing on her back, bouncing up and down. Iyo rolls away but Alexa hits her knees to backspring knee drop. Iyo retreats another attack to tag in Bayley who immediately takes control over Alexa. She picks Bliss up and takes her to her team’s corner where they tag in Dakota. Dakota hits a few quick kicks before tagging in Bayley. Alexa is able to hit a drop toe hold on Bayley which buys her the time to tag in Asuka who goes right into more offense on Bayley. Bayley is able to grab a leg and trip Asuka up. Bayley gets the tag to Iyo and now we get Iyo versus Asuka. The first move Iyo hits on Asuka is her springboard dropkick followed by a roll up for only a 2 count. Asuka gets up but Iyo drives her into her corner and tags in Dakota. Damage Control is now in full control, with Dakota slamming Asuka to the mat by her hair and getting a 2 count.
Dakota begins working on Asuka’s arm on the mat before sending her back into the corner and tagging in Bayley. Bayley quickly tags in Iyo who stomps away at Asuka in the corner before getting a 2 count. Bayley gets tagged in and she holds Asuka from being able to tag, and she tags in Dakota. Bayley then allows Asuka to make the tag to Alexa and as Alexa hits a flip off the apron to Bayley, the now legal Dakota Kai hits her with a running drop kick into the barricade. Alexa gets back in the ring and Kai hits a suplex, followed by a 2 count. Kai sends Bliss into her corner and does a foot choke to Alexa as Iyo tags herself in. Iyo enters and immediately tries to send Alexa into the corner but she fights back. They exchange forearms with Bliss getting the upper hand but only for a second as Iyo throws Alexa into the turnbuckle face first. Iyo follows that up with dropping Alexa on her face again and getting a 2 count. Dakota tags in and hits a few kicks before Iyo tagging back in and slowing the pace down with an arm/hair hold.
Alexa fights back out with a jaw breaker but Dakota is able to tag in. Bliss hits the code red on Iyo but as she pops into the corner, Dakota hits a running kick to Alexa and gets a very close 2 count. Bayley tags in and punishes Alexa for a minute before Dakota tags back in. With Kai and Bayley doing some double team work, Alexa fights out of it with a hurricanrana on Dakota. As Alexa goes for the tag, Bayley pulls Bianca off the apron. When Bianca jumps back up, she gets drop kicked back down and then thrown into the apron by Bayley. As this happens, Asuka tags herself in and starts to put in work on all three members of Damage Control. It comes down to Iyo and Asuka and she hits Sky with her forearm combo that gets her a 2 count that gets broken up by Bayley and Kai. Bliss enters the ring to help but is quickly taken out by Bayley. This allows Iyo to take control over Asuka with a kick to the head and then tags in Bayley. Bayley and Iyo hit a double team move on Asuka that gets her a 2 count.
Bayley and Asuka are the legal members now and with a trip in the corner, Bayley is down and Bianca finally gets tagged in. Bianca hits multiple shoulder thrusts to Bayley in the corner followed by a spinebuster and standing moonsault for a 2 count. Bayley pokes Bianca’s eyes and tags in Dakota. Bianca still focuses on Bayley and as she goes after Bianca, Belair hits a moonsault over her and sends Dakota into Iyo with both ladies going to the outside. Bianca comes back to Bayley in the corner but Bayley ties her braid on the ropes. Asuka and Alexa come over and hit a double superplex onto Bayley. Dakota finally enters the ring and Bianca is free. Bianca gets a 2 count on a roll up and then goes for a military press. As Iyo runs in, Bianca pulls Dakota down and uses Kai as a weapon on Iyo. She then hits a fallaway slam and a powerbomb afterwards. Bianca goes to the top rope where Dakota moves out of the way and follows that up with a scorpion kick. As Dakota goes for her running corner kick, Bianca moves and goes for the KOD. Bianca holds Bianca’s braids down as Kai hits her running corner kick. Bayley tags in and hits her finisher followed by Iyo hitting a moonsault.
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars.
Gunther (c) Vs. Sheamus – Intercontinental Championship Match
Kaiser introduces Giovanni Vinci and refers to Gunther as the LEADER OF IMPERIUM. All three men are in classic IMPERIUM black. As Gunther and Sheamus have a staredown, Their companions get into a brawl. Sheamus and Gunther do not move as chaos reigns all around them. butch tacks out Kaiser and Vinci with a moonsault to the outside. The bell rings and Sheamus and Gunther tear into each other, trading strike after strike. Gunther floors Sheamus with a bit boot. After on chop, Sheamus’ chest is beet red. Sheamus counter Gunther’s suplex with one of his own. Gunther escapes the ten beats.
Sheamus launches Gunther into the ring steps. Gunther fights out of another attempt at the ten beats. Sheamus lands another shot. Gunther lights Sheamus up with a few more chops. Gunther charges in and eats a boot. Sheamus flips up to the top rope. Gunther destroys him with another chop. This one sends Sheamus flying out to the floor. Gunther bodyslams Sheamus on the ring steps. Sheamus is almost counted out, rolling back in at the nine count. Gunther continues his chop assault.
Sheamus is bleeding from his chest. Sheamus tries to fight back but he gets dropped by another flurry of chops. Boston crab by Gunther. Sheamus crawls toward the ropes. Gunther turns it into a crossface. Sheamus bites him to break the hold. Gunther lands a few short arm chops. Sheamus fires up and lands a flurry of strikes of his own. Gunther drives him into the corner before dumping him out of the ring. Bodyslam on the floor by Gunther. Gunther launches Sheamus over the announce desk. Sheamus slams Gunther’s head into the desk. Ten beats by Sheamus on the announce desk. Gunther scurries away. Sheamus lands the ten beats in the ring. Gunther manages to retreat. Sheamus follows and gets sent over the barricade. Sheamus hits the ten beats on the barricade!
Gunther runs away. Sheamus sends Gunther back into the ring. King Kong knee drop by Sheamus. Sheamus and Gunther trade strikes. German suplex by Gunther. Sheamus responds with a pump knee strike for a near fall. Sleeper by Gunther. Gunther tries a powerbomb but Sheamus reverses it into white noise. Gunther kicks out. Gunthers hits two powerbombs followed with a vicious clothesline to win the match.
Winner: Gunther
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars.
Liv Morgan (c) Vs. Shayna Baszler – Smackdown Women’s Championship.
Morgan rolls up Baszler. Baszler kicks out. Kirifuda Clutch by Baszler. Morgan reverses it into one of her own. Baszler easily escape. Morgan sends Baszler into the ropes. Morgan lands a dropkick to Baszler’s back. Baszler gets to her feet. Morgan tries an arm drag off the top but Baszler trips Morgan and she slams her arm on the top rope. Baszler unloads on Morgan, sending her shoulder first into the barricade. Baszler works over Morgan’s arm. Morgan fires up and lands a slingshot facebuster. Baszler kicks out. Morgan dives off the top into a knee strike by Baszler. Morgan kicks out.
Baszler tries to stomp on Morgan’s arm but Morgan turns it into a triangle. Morgan turns that into a cross-armbar. Baszler escapes and stomps on Morgan’s arm. Gut wrench facebuster by Baszler. Baszler knees Morgan in the face. Morgan kicks out. Morgan slips out of an armbar by Baszler on the top. Morgan slams Baszler’s arm into the top turnbuckle. Morgan lands a running powerbomb but Baszler turns that into the Kirifuda Clutch. Baszler can’t hold on because of her injured arm. Morgan eventually hit her finish for the win.
Winner: Liv Morgan
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars.
Edge & Rey Mysterio Vs. Judgement Day
The match starts off between Rey and Finn and Balor takes control early by whipping Rey into 2 corners. After the second, Rey fights back with some boots to the gut and then a kick to the head of a downed Balor. Finn gets up and tries to charge, but Rey hits a flying head scissor that sends him into his corner where Priest tags in. Damian begs for Edge to get the tag in and Rey obliges. Edge and Priest go for a lock up but Damian suckers him in with a right hand before throwing him into the corner to deal more punishment. Priest throws Edge into the corner but Rey protects the impact and Edge bounces back with a whip into the corner on Priest. Finn Balor tries to do the same thing Rey did but Edge reverses the whip and then kicks Balor before tossing Priest to the outside with him. Edge then does a powerbomb move to Rey on to the members of Judgment Day outside the ring.
As things slow back down, Priest and Rey find themselves in the ring with Damian using his size to his advantage as he fully mounts and delivers many right hands before picking Mysterio up and throwing him into the corner. He follows that up with a big splash and a tag to Finn Balor who keeps Rey in the corner to dish out some offense. Priest tags in and they hit a modified back breaker leg drop double team to Rey that gets Priest a 2 count. He picks Rey up into a sleeper hold to slow the pace. Rey fights back for just a moment but when he bounces off the ropes, Priest kicks Rey in the head. Priest then goes over to Edge and spits on him before tagging in Finn Balor and both men doing some more double team work to Rey. Balor goes for a pin and gets a 2 count. Balor picks Rey up and goes for the 3 amigos before just dropping Rey to the mat and posing for the crowd. He taunts the crowd and then locks Rey up in a side headlock on the mat.
Rey fights out and hits a jaw breaker but Finn holds on to his arm to prevent the tag. He pulls Rey back and hits a high knee. Finn tosses Rey into the corner and charges but Mysterio hits a drop toe hold that has both men down. Mysterio goes for the tag after an enziguri to Finn but Balor is able to make the tag to Priest who charges in and knocks Edge down before throwing Rey out of the ring. Finn tries to charge him but Rey backdrops him over the barricade. Priest tries to attack him from behind but ends up getting crotched on the barricade by Rey who crawls back to the ring as Edge is pacing back and forth ready to get the tag. As Rey crawls across the ring, Priest jumps in the ring and grabs the leg of Mysterio. But Rey is able to push him off and tag in Edge. Hot tag as both Priest and Finn are getting all sorts of clotheslines, kicks and even an Edgecution. As Edge sets up the spear on Balor, Priest jumps up and distracts Edge. He knocks Priest down and Rey takes out Priest. Balor tries to attack Edge from behind but gets a drop toe hold into the ropes. Edge hits 619 and Rey hits a big splash that only gets them a 2 count. Priest gets on the apron and grabs Rey for a chokeslam but Edge comes out of nowhere and spears Priest through the ropes onto the floor.
In the midst of all this, Balor takes advantage of Rey and slides him outside. Edge comes into the ring and gets a sling blade from Finn Balor who then sets his sights on Edge. He nails the running drop kick and goes up top for coup de gras. The distraction allows Rey to hit a top rope hurricanrana on Finn. Rhea Ripley starts to attack Dominik on the outside but Rey makes the save with a suicide dive. He enters the ring and goes for a 619 on Rey but Balor clotheslines him out of the ring. As he goes for the suicide dive, Dominik trips Finn which allows Rey to come in and hit a 619 on Finn followed by a spear on Finn Balor from Edge.
Edge gets the pinfall win over Finn Balor.
Winner: Edge & Rey Mysterio
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars.
After the match, Dominik kicks Edge in the groin much to the dismay of Rey. Rey tries to stop him and Dom lays Rey out as well with a nice clothesline. Judgment Day watches on laughing as Dominik leaves the ring.
Seth Rollins Vs. Matt Riddle
The bell rings and the two immediately start exchanging blows in the middle of the ring. Riddle gets the upper hand as he backs Riddle into the corner and starts delivering some kicks. Seth starts to fight back but ends up in another corner getting more kicks from Riddle. The ref pulls Riddle away and this gives Seth time to exit the ring. As Riddle approaches him, Riddle starts throwing punches again and throws Seth in the ring. Riddle immediately goes for a gut wrench slam but not much longer after that, Rollins delivers a chop to the throat. Seth tries to continue to work from that but as he runs off the ropes, Riddle hits another kick to the body followed by two broton’s followed by a 2 count.
As Seth gets up, he drops Riddle over the top rope to buy himself some time but as he charges him into the corner, Riddle locks Seth into a triangle choke. Seth fights it and picks him up, but as he tries to powerbomb Riddle over the top rope, Riddle throws Seth over the top. As he goes to the apron to go for a kick on Seth, Rollins grabs his leg and puts Riddle in powerbomb position. He hits Riddle with a running powerbomb into the barricade. Rollins goes in the ring and then comes back with a suicide dive to Rollins before throwing Matt back into the ring. Seth follows in after him and starts to slowly pick Riddle apart with some well placed stomps before taunting the crowd a bit, which allows Riddle to get up. Riddle tries to fight back but is quickly put back down by Seth. A quick 2 count leads to right hands to the head of Riddle courtesy of Seth.
Rollins toys with Riddle with a few kicks to the head which angers Riddle. He starts to fight back again but Rollins is able to stop the comeback with a superkick to the head and a falcon arrow to follow which gets him another 2 count. Rollins gets distracted by the crowd singing his entrance which allows Riddle to hit a kick to the head on Seth as he charges. But once again, Seth ends the comeback as he trips Riddle up on the top rope. Rollins goes up and goes for the inverted superplex but Riddle fights out of it, only for Seth to hit a kick to the head which puts Riddle into the tree of woe. Rollins flies off the top rope into Riddle’s mid section as he is upside down, and that gets Seth a 2 count as well. Seth puts Riddle back on the top rope and delivers some right hands before climbing up with Riddle. As he gets to the middle rope, Riddle starts throwing right hands but Seth fights back as well. Seth gets the upper hand and hits a superplex but as Seth tries to transition into the falcon arrow again, Riddle counters that into a fisherman buster on Rollins that leaves both men laid out.
Both men get to their feet and Riddle hits his trademark chest slap combo, followed by a high knee and running forearms into the corner. As Riddle goes for an overhead suplex, Rollins reverses it but ends up getting one moments later anyway. Rollins goes to the outside and Riddle chases him with a kick from the apron and then a floating broton off the springboard. They get back in the ring and Seth goes for a pedigree but Riddle fights out and hits a Bro to Sleep. Riddle gets a 2 count.
Rollins rolls into the corner and Riddle walks over and goes to the top rope. Riddle goes for the floating broton again, but Rollins gets his knees up. After a quick back and forth with the counters between the two, Rollins finds himself in a triangle hold again. Rollins stands up but Riddle grabs his leg to prevent him from being able to pick him up again. Rollins starts to kick Riddle in the face to break the hold and then hits Riddle with his own move, the Broderick! 1…2…KICK OUT! Seth looks shocked as he fights to get back to his feet and Riddle rolls around in pain in the ring. Seth Rollins finally gets up and goes to the top rope very slowly. Rollins goes for the Phoenix Splash but misses and Riddle hits him with a forearm, followed by a kick to the head and a toe kick. Rollins counters though with a forearm to the head and back of the head. Seth goes for the stomp but Riddle hits another forearm, and the two exchange counters once again until Riddle gets hit with the pedigree. 1…2…KICK OUT AGAIN! Both men lay in the ring trying to get back to their feet. Seth starts to call Riddle a loser as they both get to their knees. Rollins taunts him some more about his family which fires Riddle up who starts to throw rights and lefts. Rollins throws him to the outside and as Riddle tries to run back in, Rollins kicks him in the head and then hits the Orton draping DDT on Riddle. Seth starts to soak in the crowds singing again as Riddle fights to get to his feet. Rollins does the viper taunt but as he runs in, Riddle reverses it into a choke, followed by forearms to the back of his head.
Matt Riddle has snapped and is beating Seth all over the ring. He toess Rollins out and starts to beat him on the table. Riddle goes for the chair but misses as Rollins runs into the ring. Riddle slides in after him but Rollins is waiting and hits the stomp! Seth Rollins follows that up with a top rope stomp to Riddle and picks up the 1, 2, 3!
Winner: Seth Rollins
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars.
Roman Reigns (c) Vs. Drew McIntyre – WWE Undisputed Universal Championship.
Karrion Kross and Scarlett are in the crowd watching the match. Reigns is on his own. No Usos and no Sami Zayn. All three are not medically cleared to be there after McIntyre’s assault on SmackDown last night. As soon as the bell rings, the crowd starts chanting for McIntyre. McIntyre laughs as Reigns shakes his head, no. Reigns is NOT happy. After a lock-up, McIntyre traps Reigns into the corner. Clean break by McIntyre. Side headlock by Reigns. Reigns tries a shoulder block but it has no effect. McIntyre backs Reigns into the corner. Reigns hides in the ropes. McIntyre goes behind but Reigns lands a back elbow.
McIntyre lands a shoulder block that sends Reigns flying. Reigns retreats to the outside area. McIntyre holds out his arms and tells Reigns to bring it. Reigns gets back in the ring and kicks McIntyre in the gut. Reigns quiets the crowd. McIntyre eats a few strikes in the corner. Reigns tries the corner ten punches but McIntyre ducks underneath and lands his own punches. McIntyre clotheslines Reigns over the top. Reigns lands on his feet. McIntyre follows and sends him into the ring apron. McIntyre drives Reigns into the ring steps. Kross throws a water bottle at McIntyre. McIntyre jaws with Kross at ringside. Reigns decks McIntyre whiles he argues with Kross. McIntyre is sent into the ringsteps.
McIntyre is almost counted out. Samoan boot by Reigns. Reigns pounds on McIntyre in the middle of the ring. McIntyre ends up in the corner. Reigns lays in multiple clotheslines. Reigns posts McIntyre. McIntyre falls out of the ring. McIntyre tries to fire up but Reigns almost takes his head off with a big boot. Kick out by McIntyre. McIntyre and Reigns both struggle to try to suplex each other. Reigns gives up and just lands a few punches instead.
Reigns asks for a mic and ask Cardiff to acknowledge him. McIntyre sends Reigns flying with a Glasgow kiss. Both men struggle to get to their feet. Reigns and McIntyre trade punches. McIntyre floors Reigns with a clothesline. McIntyre hits multiple overhead throws. Leaping neck breaker by McIntyre. McIntyre kips up much to the delight of the crowd. McIntyre and Reigns go up top and trade blows. Reigns knocks McIntyre into a tree of woe. McIntyre sits up and launches Reigns off the top. McIntyre calls for the Claymore. Reigns rolls out of the ring. McIntyre brings him back in. Reigns escapes the future shock DDT but runs right into a spinebuster. Reigns kicks out at 2.9.
McIntyre charges in. Reigns surprises McIntyre with a Rock Bottom. McIntyre kicks out. McIntyre reverses the Superman Punch into the future shock DDT. Reigns counters the Claymore with a Superman Punch. McIntyre kicks out. Reigns tries a Spear but gets kicked in the face. Reigns hits the ropes and hits a Spear. McIntyre kicks out! Guillotine by Reigns. McIntyre drives Reigns into the corner but Reigns hops right back on him and locks the hold back in. McIntyre powers out and post Regins. Reigns gets speared into the barricade by McIntyre. McIntyre sends Reigns back into the ring for a Claymore. Reigns hits another Spear!
Reigns gets to his feet and argues with the referee about that being a three-count. McIntyre hits a Claymore to the back of Reigns’ head. Reigns crushes the referee in the process. Austin Theory runs down to the ring to cash in his MITB. Before he can, Tyson Fury (who is in the crowd) decks Theory! Theory is out cold. Reigns brings a chair into the ring. McIntyre hits the Claymore! Reigns kicks out! Reigns and McIntyre have a hockey fight in the middle of the ring. Both men are totally exhausted. Superman Punch by Reigns. Glasgow kiss by McIntyre. McIntyre Spears Reigns. Someone in a hood pulls McIntyre out of the ring during the cover. The person pulls off their hood and it’s Reigns cousin Solo Sikoa. McIntyre goes after Solo but gets stunned on the top rope. Reigns Spears McIntyre for the win.
Winner: Roman Reigns
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars.
After the match, Tyson Fury and Reigns shake hands. Fury helps McIntyre up and raises his hand. McIntyre gets emotional. Fury grabs a mic and tells McIntyre that he’s done his country and everyone else proud. Fury sings McIntyre a song… for reasons… McIntyre and the crowd join in singing American Pie. McIntyre grabs the mic and puts the crowd over.