WWE SummerSlam 2021 Results – Two Huge returns!!!

Photo Credit: WWE
Eva Marie Vs. Alexa Bliss
Eva grabs Lily and slaps her and slap Bliss with Lily. Bliss gets angry and pummels Eva. Eva ask Doudrop for help but she refused. Bliss goes for Twisted Bliss but Eva moves and goes for the pinfall, Bliss kick out at two. Bliss hits the sister Abigail to win the match. After the match, Doudrop announces the loser of the match is Eva Marie.
Winner: Alexa Bliss
Rating: 1 out of 5 stars.
Sheamus (c) Vs. Damian Priest – US Championship
Sheamus locks Priest in a headlock as soon as the ring bells followed with a shoulder lock. Priest fights back with a clothesline. Priest hits a for two count. Priest goes for a plancha but landed hard on his hips. Sheamus takes control over Priest and hits him with the White Noise for two count. Sheamus keep working on Priest’s back. Sheamus tries to powerbomb Priest but Priest counters it into an hurricanranna for a two count.
Sheamus goes for the 10 blows to Priest’s chest but stop before it gets ten and mocks the crowd. Priest hits the tornado DDT on Sheamus for two count. Priest hits two clothesline followed with a flurry of punches and kicks for a nearfall. Shemaus hits the Alabama Slam for two count and trash talks with Priest. Sheamus hits Priest with a headbutt and tries to hit the Brogue Kick but Priest counters it into a sitdown chokeslam for two count.
Sheamus hits the Brogue kick but Priest kicks out at two and Sheamus looked shocked. Priest rolls up Sheamus for a nearfall. Sheamus locks Priest in the heel hook but Priest snatches his facemask and hits a spinning kick followed with the Reckoning and 1-2-3. New Champ.
Winner & NEW US Champion: Damian Priest
Rating: 4 out of 5 Stars.