WWE SummerSlam 2021 Results – Two Huge returns!!!

Photo Credit: WWE
The Usos (c) Vs. The Mysterios – Smackdown Tag Team Championships
The Mysterios’s come out first with Rey wearing some Macho Man inspired ring gear. No walking through a portal this time, unfortantely. Jimmy and Rey start this match off at a high pace and Rey goes for the 619 within the first minute but Uso goes to the outside. Both Uso’s end up on the floor, and Rey hits his baseball slide to the outside on both of them followed by Dominik hitting them both with a big splash from the top rope. Dominik gets the tag and starts getting in his own offense, by hitting the three amigos. During the 3rd suplex, Jey gets the blind tag and he throws Dominik off the top rope to the outside. He then throws Dom in to the barricade and ring post before throwing him in the ring and grinding him down in the middle of the ring. As Dominik battles to his feet, Jey slams him down and then tags Jimmy for a double team backbreaker leg drop. The Uso’s get Dominik in their corner and start taking their turn working him over. Dom tries to fight back but ends up on the receiving end of an uppercut that drops him. The Uso’s continue the slow pace as they start trash talking Dominik and taunting the crowd.
Dom crawls over to the ring as Jey stands over him, taunting him some more but that proves to be a mistake as it gave Dominik time to get his legs back and hit Jey with a suplex. Hot tag by both teams with Rey getting the better of Jimmy with a reversal in to a ddt leading to a 2 count for the Mysterios. Rey goes to the top rope and hits a senton followed by a distraction by Jey that leads to a nice superkick from Jimmy to Rey. That super kick would get them a 2 count, and then a tag to Jey. A double team move gets reversed into a hurricanrana that sends Jimmy to the outside. Jey gets the better of Rey, hits a huge splash that only gets them another 2 count. Another tag by the Uso’s leads to them going for a double splash. Dominik stops the move, but gets a front suplex on the apron. Jimmy misses the splash of his own which leads to Rey getting the 619. He goes to the top rope, does a little shimmy for Eddie but gets the knees to his chest during the Frog splash. The Uso’s hit a double superkick to a downed Rey, followed by a splash and the pinfall win over the Mysterios
Winner: The Usos
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 Stars.