WWE SummerSlam 2021 Results – Two Huge returns!!!

Photo Credit: WWE
Edge Vs. Seth Rollins
Seth Rollins makes his entrance first so that he can be in the ring to witness the Brood entrance of Edge, rising through the flames in a very cool visual. It only lasts for half of the walk to the ring, before “You Think You Know Me” hits and the fans go crazy. The bell rings and we get a nice long stare down to build the anticipation just a little while longer, soaking in the fans who are rising to the feet for this match up. A quick lock up between the two ends with Seth on the ground, re-thinking his tactics. A second lock up ends with Rollins in a side headlock that leads to Rollins eating a few right hands and being sent over the top rope. Rollins takes his time on the outside, throwing a small temper tantrum before coming back in to the ring at the count of 8. As he goes at Edge, he is met with more right hands that sends him in the corner. Seth fights back with some boots, but when it looks like he was going for a Pedigree, he gets flipped to the outside again. This time Edge follows him and gets some offense in before chasing Rollins back in the ring. As Edge comes back in, he gets the upper hand and knees Rollins back outside. As Edge goes for a baseball slide, he misses and allows Rollins to finally get the advantage by throwing Edge in to the ring post, apron and steel steps a few times. He throws Edge back in the ring and immediately hits a neck breaker which gets him a 2 count. Rollins then goes to work on Edge’s neck across the bottom rope and then slows the pace down. Edge tries to fight back but gets a sling blade for his troubles. Rollins sets himself up for the stomp but Edge pulls himself to the corner to put an end to that, but gets a few stomps and another neckbreaker for his troubles. Seth goes for another pin and gets another 2 count. Edge starts to battle back with some right hands but Rollins fends it off and ends up getting another 2 count after hitting a flying knee from the middle rope.
Seth starts toying with Edge, but kicking Edge with his boot. Rollins goes for another neck breaker but it gets reversed and Edge takes over. After hitting a few moves, both men find themselves on the turnbuckle. Edge gets thrown down and then hit with a sky high Frogsplash that gets him another 2 count. Rollins tries for a stomp again, but Edge rolls to the ropes to avoid it again. Rollins goes after him and pulls Edge up to the top rope. Edge hits a few right hands and then hits a spinning neck breaker to Seth from the top causing both men to be down. Both get up and Seth finds himself on the receiving end of some offense from Edge that ends with an Edge-cution ddt that leads to a 2 count for Edge. Edge stalks Rollins in to the corner, but ends up getting sent in to the turnbuckle. As Edge gets up, Seth tries for a super kick but Edge moves out of the way and hits an Edge-O-Matic that gest him another 2 count. Edge slowly goes to the top but Rollins runs up top and hits the super-plex/falcon arrow combo that only gets him a 2 count. Rollins goes to the corner for a third time looking for a stomp, but Edge avoids it again and then reverses another Pedigree attempt in to a Glam Slam that only gets him a 2 count on Rollins.
A slowed down Edge finds himself in the ropes, where Rollins hits a neckbreaker on the second rope that leads to Rollins going for a stomp on the apron. As Rollins misses, Edge sets him up and hits a spear through the ropes to the outside. Edge follows that up with a inverted standing ddt in to the side of the ring that breaks the led board. Edge throws Seth in and goes for a pin, but only gets the 2 count. Edge sets himself up in the corner and awaits for Seth to get up, and as he gets up and goes for the Spear, Seth reverses it in to a Pedigree that only gets Seth a 2 count. Seth goes up top and tries for a corkscrew moonsault but as Edge moves, Seth lands on his feet and rolls out of it. As he turns around, Edge hits him with the Spear and goes for a pin. Another 2 count! A slow rise to his feet, Edge picks Seth up and goes for the Killswitch but Rollins gets away and elbows the back of Edge’s neck. He follows that up with a superkick to the side of a downed Edge. Seth tries once again for a Stomp, but Edge flips over and catches his foot and puts Seth in the Edge-ucater submission. Seth gets out but finds himself in the crossface in the center of the ring. Seth pries Edge’s hands off of him, but Edge starts slamming Seth’s face in to the mat and then puts Seth in a crossface sleeper. Rollins fights it off for a few seconds before finally tapping out giving Edge the win
Winner: Edge
Rating: 5 out of 5 Stars.