WWE SummerSlam 2021 Results – Two Huge returns!!!

Photo Credit: WWE
Bobby Lashley (c) Vs. Goldberg – WWE Championship
Bobby Lashley becomes another champion who gest the first entrance of the night. Goldberg gets the locker room walk entrance, taking up more time than the match itself will probably take. The match starts with a long test of strength that ends with Bobby getting backed in to the corner. Goldberg lets him go and Bobby comes out with a shove. He hits the ropes and both men hit each other with a shoulder bump. Bill then hits the rope and hits a flying shoulder block followed by a pair of suplexes that has Bobby crawling. Bill throws Lashley in the corner, hits a clothesline followed by a short arm clothesline that puts Bobby on the ground. Bill takes his time allowing Bobby to get up and start beating down on Bill. It appears as if Lashley was going for a jackhammer but Bill blocked it. As he attempted his own Jackhammer, Bobby stops it and hits a flatliner on Bill. Bobby goes to the top rope, but Bill jumps up and throws him on his head almost breaking Bobby’s neck. As Bill sets up the spear, MVP pulls Bobby from the ring to the outside. As he stands with MVP, Goldberg comes out and hits the spear on the outside to Bobby. He throws him inside, but Bobby rolls out again and as the ref isnt looking, MVP hits Bill in the knee.
Bobby follows that up with a chop block. Lashley goes for a Hurt Lock but Bill breaks free and then Bill botches a move and lands on his head. Bill rolls to the outside, but Bobby follows him and puts him in a fireman carry that sends Bill’s leg in to the ring post. Bobby breaks the count and then does the same move again to Bill’s knee. Bill gets back in the ring and struggles to get to his feet, as Lashley waits to attack. Goldberg is unable to continue due to his knee and the match is called. Bobby Lashley is pissed and decides to take a chair to Bill’s knee multiple times. Bobby backs up and then comes back for more, continuing to go after Bill Goldberg’s knee. Bill’s son tries to make the save, but finds himself in a Hurt Lock and put out very quickly. MVP comes in to save Gage and then calls for a microphone. MVP lets people know Bobby couldn’t have know it was Gage, and Bill sees it was his son and crawls over to protect him. Bobby and MVP leave as Bill checks on his son.
Winner: Bobby Lashley
Rating: 3 out of 5 Stars.