10 WORST Hell In A Cell Matches
Hell In A Cell has seen its fair share of good matches but also…yeah.

One of fans favorite stipulations even now is the Hell In A Cell match. Although the concept of an annual PPV has perhaps made the match feel more like a promotional convenience than a career-settling hell, it is still seen with fondness, especially when looking back at classic moments by Mick Foley, Triple H and The Undertaker in the stipulation. However, despite all their great work in the cage, there have been some Hell In A Cell matches that have been unfit for their environment, lackluster or just downright terrible. With 2021’s event drawing near, we look at the worst the match has to offer.
Please note, for this list, we will not be including promotional matches (bouts often without a finish) or dark matches.
10. Roman Reigns vs Braun Strowman (Hell In A Cell 2018)

Whilst this match was not terrible in its in-ring acumen, it was the victim of some bad booking around it.
‘The Monster Among Men’ was a mega-popular babyface attraction by 2018, with his top star status marked by his winning of the Money in the Bank contract. Despite his immense popularity however, the WWE bafflingly turned him heel to feud with Roman. Suddenly, the 6’8, near-400-pound behemoth needed lackeys to help him in the form of Dolph Ziggler and Drew McIntyre.
Strowman cashed in his MITB briefcase for a shot at Reigns’s Universal title in the cell. The match was a big hoss fight, as you would imagine with these stars. Lots of power moves, with Reigns trying to keep down his monster opponent. This was a pretty strong encounter albeit one they risked one of their top faces for. Also, Mick Foley was the guest referee for reasons.
The ending however was stupid. Brock Lesnar ran down, kicked the door down and F5’ed both men and the match…just ended? The Hell In A Cell match ended in stoppage after Lesnar just beat up both men a little.
Not only was the finish terrible, but it completely nerfed the momentum and career of Braun. A former face top star, he had lost that as well as was made to look weak in the end – losing his MITB contract in the process. It would take time for Strowman to get any heat back at all after multiple failed world title ventures. Even when won in 2020, he still felt like a paper champion, perhaps due to this career-killing match.