10 WORST Hell In A Cell Matches
Hell In A Cell has seen its fair share of good matches but also…yeah.

1. ‘The Fiend’ Bray Wyatt vs Seth Rollins (Hell In A Cell 2019)

So, the whole point of Hell In A Cell is that it is a match in which feuds can end, careers can alter and lives be ruined with the aim of disclosing a blood rivalry. What you shouldn’t expect is for the match to end in DQ due to the opponent getting a bit handy with a toolbox.
‘The Fiend’ Bray Wyatt became one of the most intriguing and greatest characters the WWE had created in decades when debuting in the latter half of 2019. WWE went about proving just as easily as they create you, they can ruin you by scuppering the character at Hell In A Cell 2019 in a Universal title match versus Seth Rollins.
The match itself was hard to watch as it was drenched in bright, red light as if they were fighting inside a microwave. ‘The Fiend’ no-sold all of Rollins’s offence with Seth too managing to survive some ‘Fiend’ offence. After some Curb Stomps, ‘The Fiend’ just stopped getting up, taking move after move from ‘The Architect’. Rollins brought out a chair, ladder and toolbox to endlessly batter Wyatt with. Eventually, the ref warned him to stop (in a no DQ cage match), but Rollins hit Bray with a sledgehammer onto the many objects already on top of Wyatt and the ref rang the bell.
A, no joke, disqualification in Hell In A Cell? A match that has seen throws off the top, thumbtacks and steel-wrapped chairs ends when Seth got a little foreign object happy. The fans reacted as you would expect, booing loudly and chanting for refunds, “bullshit” and for AEW. Not only was the ending absolutely atrocious, but it nearly ruined ‘The Fiend’ character in his 2nd match. They tried to protect both men but made both look even worse than when they came in.
Overall, this situation is probably best summed up with the live reaction by X-Pac who yelled: “How the hell do you get DQ’d in a Hell in a freakin’ Cell?”