10 WORST Hell In A Cell Matches
Hell In A Cell has seen its fair share of good matches but also…yeah.

8. Randy Orton vs Sheamus (Hell In A Cell 2010)

We’re not done talking about HIAC 2010 as also on that card, WWE champion Randy Orton took on Sheamus in a near-23-minute cage match that desperately did not call for the stipulation.
The 2 men had little place in this setting, barely using the cage. Sheamus was still new and could not quite invest a crowd and the master of the RKO is known to turn out pretty lackadaisical performances when he seemingly isn’t interested. This match was too long and would have benefitted from a more heated build.
A particular spot of the match however really cements this match’s place on this list. So, Sheamus brings out some steel steps from the ringside area of the cell. Just imagine the possibility of a move on top of the cold, harsh steps. The Irishman picks up Orton and delivers the Irish Curse on top of the stairs. A signature move in which the opponent makes contact with ‘The Great White’’s knee – not the steps. This silly, logicless moment read more like a Monty Python sketch than a legitimate wrestling maneuver.