10 WORST Hell In A Cell Matches
Hell In A Cell has seen its fair share of good matches but also…yeah.

3. CM Punk vs Ryback (Hell In A Cell 2012)
By the time of Hell In A Cell 2012, there were 2 realistic main eventers: WWE champion Punk and John Cena. However, WWE pushed Ryback straight to the top of the card after the leader of the Cenation sustained a legitimate shoulder injury. Still green, Ryback was not ready for the spot having mostly wrestled sub-2-minute squashes prior to the title match.
Whilst it was a bad time to have the newcomer win so early when inexperienced, it was also a bad time to have Punk lose with his planned run ending at the Royal Rumble the next year. To counteract this, the WWE used some of their classic protective booking when having the titleholder retain via a nefarious referee.
After the chanter of “Feed Me More” dominated the match, official Brad Maddox stopped him from executing his finisher before low blowing Ryback and fast counting a roll-up.
A cheap, Dusty finish – it did help Punk’s cowardly heel persona but did not at all help Ryback. Afterwards, the bulky babyface threw Maddox at the wall of the cell before chasing Punk to the top where he hit the Shellshocked on the top of the cage. Whilst they tried this to make the fans go home happy, it certainly did not cancel out the shenanigans that transpired in this match.