10 WORST Hell In A Cell Matches
Hell In A Cell has seen its fair share of good matches but also…yeah.

2. The Undertaker vs Big Boss Man (WrestleMania 15)

Despite being a hot time for business, by all means WrestleMania 15 was not a good show for the annual biggest show of the year. Not only did we see Butterbean murder Bart Gunn’s career in about 30 seconds but we also had to watch a terrible 5-minute match between Tori and Sable. Perhaps worst though was seeing a live hanging.
The Big Boss Man was a deceptively agile big man and an all-round great worker across the NWA and WWF but by the late 90s, he did not have many classic encounters. Likely the most memorable bout was his dull Hell In A Cell match where he faced The Undertaker.
Only the 3rd official Hell In A Cell match by this point, the previous 2 PPV bouts saw likely the 2 best of all time as Michaels and Mick Foley respectively both wrestled The Undertaker in classic matches. This heel vs heel match had little fan interest due to this dynamic which did not help the match. Only 10-minutes, this boring slog was pretty lackluster in-ring even not taking into account the aftermath.
The Blood emerged after the bell to help aid Ministry of Darkness-era Undertaker hang the Big Boss Man live on PPV. An unsettling sight at the WWF’s biggest show, we saw the Cobb County cob fight for his life before hanging there motionless. Michael Cole sold this as very serious before swiftly moving on because it was time for the main event. Truly awful stuff, even worse to pull off the feat at WrestleMania. Another victim of the streak, you nearly never hear WWE talk about the time The Undertaker hanged another person – and there is definitely a good reason for that.