10 WORST SummerSlam Matches
The dark side of Summer’s biggest event

1. The Undertaker vs “The Undertaker”(SummerSlam 1994)

Dave Meltzer generously gets a lot of flak for underrating matches with his star system but I think his –1 star rating for this was a bit too generous.
At 1994’s Royal Rumble, The Undertaker was written off WWF TV to have needed surgery after non-stop working since his debut, this was done by being put in a casket by Yokozuna and ascending to Heaven. I’m not even going to further evaluate that last sentence, it’s just what happened. Anyhow, Ted DiBiase claimed he had brought out ‘Taker but Paul Bearer claimed he had the real Undertaker.
The faux ‘Taker was played by “Prime Time” Brian Lee, an ex-world champion in Jim Cornette’s Smoky Mountain Wrestling. He did resemble ‘Taker and would later go on to have a memorable ECW run but none of that helped this match. Yet to have a good match at the event, The Undertaker’s entrance was cool but that was the highlight.
An absolute slog, this was another sub-10-minute match that was such a crime to the eyes it felt much longer. Also, The Undertaker was in his undead, unfeeling zombie state at this time so made this match feel so robotic and soulless when coupled with the uncaring crowd. The Undertaker may rule WrestleMania but he does not have a good track record with SummerSlam.
So, what puts this in the worse category? The match before was a scarce WWF/E 5-star match as Owen Hart took on Bret inside a steel cage. Not only did this match make a mockery of the tremendous cage bout, not only did it mock the amazing Hart vs Hart feud but it made the WWF title seem a joke.
But forget all of that, yay – party! Woo!