10 WORST SummerSlam Matches
The dark side of Summer’s biggest event

5. The Great Khali vs Batista (SummerSlam 2007)

The Great Khali was once a world champion. I think we can pretty much end it there.
But if we were to continue, we would talk about this bout’s erosion-slow pace. Batista has had some great matches but Khali really hindered this match, his slow, lumbering style doing little to make this match appetizing at all. Such a slog this was, it was just under 7 minutes but felt so long, it felt like it deserved its own Iliad. JBL tried to justify the slowness on commentary but you can only try so hard.
If the shoddy match quality was not enough, it ended in DQ thus meaning Khali could keep ahold of the belt for longer. Jesus Christ!