10 WORST SummerSlam Matches
The dark side of Summer’s biggest event

3. Team WWE vs The Nexus (SummerSlam 2010)

Giving credence to the perceived burials John Cena gives out, everybody from Bray Wyatt to Damien Sandow has had their momentum startled by “Big Match John” but maybe no one (or should I say no group) have been bigger victims than The Nexus.
The new NXT call-ups genuinely felt like a fresh bit of WWE booking. Actually company-dominating, the octet ruthlessly assaulted everyone including the wrestlers, ringside personnel and even authority figures. Of course, when WWE had money, they decided to quash any chance at financial or viewship gain, because who really wants that anyway(?).
Although all signs pointed that the potential stars should win, Cena vouched he should prevail and came back from a literal DDT on concrete to pin Justin Gabriel and submit Wade Barrett. Other than the terrible booking that went the misdirection of helping the company gain any interest, the match itself had some strange moments. Barely mobile Bret Hart getting himself DQ’ed, Heath Slater eliminating both Edge and Chris Jericho and Team WWE originally picking The Great Khali over literally anyone else.
Overall, a strange match weighed down by the obvious wrong choice of victor only to make Cena look strong when there was no reason to. Oh and unsurprisingly, The Nexus were never as much of a big deal afterwards.