25 Wrestlers You Didn’t Know Were In WCW

Photo Credit: Koimoi
12. 911

911 was the monster henchmen of Paul E. Dangerously in ECW, summoned by dialling the digits 911. He made a name for himself in early ECW where he was most memorable for performing chokeslams on any and everyone. However he was released in 1996 due to his treatment of ring crew members.
The 1994 PWI Rookie Of The Year would jump to WCW from late 1996-mid 1997. Going under names Tombstone, Sledge Hammer and Big Al, he only had a number of matches for the promotion. When not defeating enhancement talents, he would often lose to bigger stars such as The Giant, Chris Benoit and Lex Luger.
Its surprising WCW did nothing with the 6’8, 300-pound ECW cult figure before his release.