Reviewing Memphis: Where Wrestling Was Real/ Tales From The Territories

Photo Credit: MPW
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Professional Wrestling captured people’s imaginations. The Vice Network presents a brand new show highlighting this incredible period. It aired on October 4, 2022. Dwayne “ The Rock “ Johnson & Danny Garcia teamed up with Evan Husney & Jason Eisener of Vice’s Dark Side of the Ring fame. In their inaugural episode, the series focuses on Memphis Wrestling. Dwayne Johnson also narrates the anticipated show.
Who better to educate an audience than legendary panelists Jerry Jarrett, Jerry Lawler, Dutch Mantell, Jimmy Hart, & Jeff Jarrett? They detailed what helped Continental Wrestling Association sustain great success. The reality aspect remained consistent during these times.

Loyal fans in Tennessee and Kentucky witnessed various iconic moments that combined authenticity with angles that built epic matchups. Lawler spoke about believability versus merely a performance. He told of this famed saying you saw inside Jarrett’s office & it read, ” Personal Issues Draw Money” a Jarrett. Video footage from classic battles showcased broadcast excellence by commentators Lance Russell & Dave Brown describing wrestling on this program. I enjoyed hearing Jerry Jarrett elaborate on how significant it was visualizing ‘The King’s strap coming down meant you knew somebody was receiving a good old-fashioned whipping from Lawler.

Watching Eddie Gilbert’s reaction toward Lawler had excited spectators. More nostalgic footage assisted with those fond memories about cherished generations where societies accepted pro wrestling. “ Dirty “ Dutch Mantel helped book the Tennessee Territory & was an incredible wrestler. He explained how grueling the traveling process was. That road schedule included 52 weeks when commuting to Nashville, Louisville, Evansville, & Memphis.
Lawler talked about passionate fan bases having investments back then. Jeff asked the observant questions, and fans crossed the wrong side of these charismatic wrestlers. Hart relayed one particular story involving Christine “ Teeny “ Jarrett, Jerry’s mother & Jeff’s grandmother. The Mouth of the South recalled a 6-man tag with Lawler, Superstar Bill Dundee, & Handsome Jimmy Valiant against him, The Dream Machine, & Joe Leduc. He got beat & The Dream Machine carries Hart out. Something hits Jimmy in his bottom. He thought it was a cigarette. No, this individual possessed a blowgun that shot one dart at the manager.
Teeny entered after learning that Jimmy was bleeding & he received a tetanus shot. Lawler recounted fans attacking wrestlers. Police took them to an area where wrestlers would unload their frustrations onto them. Local Policemen gave them these options by asking if they wanted to go to jail or home. Jimmy Hart remembers one night in Jonesboro, Arkansas, He faced Bill Dundee & this guy attacked him via a cowboy boot. The King knocked the guy out. Lawler once threatened some man carrying with brick in hand. The person threw that brick & Lawler soon discovered his tires slashed.
Promotor Roy Welch sent an aging grappler named Mario Galento to attack Jerry Jarrett inside the ring. Welch thought Jerry was stealing from his territory. Both Jerry’s wrestled for 30 minutes. He assumed Lawler’s manager Sam Bass struck him. It was Galento & Jerry ripped Mario’s eye out -of-socket. His eyeball lay on the mat. King & Bass double-team Galento as he attempts to get the belt. Mario finds a nightstick, but Galento pays for it while Jerry utilizes that weapon against him. Roy Welch was there in the studio.
Mario attacked Jerry Lawler during a match emanating from Batesville, Mississippi. He & wife entered the ring. Mario possessed a razor, while in the back, Galento followed King, Galento ran into Jimmy Valiant, & Handsome Jimmy pulled this Dirty Harry-looking gun out from his bag. He then pointed it right at Mario’s face. The sheriff of Batesville was sitting in the front row & he ended up arresting everyone. Both Jerry’s never saw Roy & Mario again. Memphis produced believable stories, & here’s one for you. Eddie Gilbert confronted Eddie Marlin and created must-see television.
Lawler was hit by a car too well. Now, the round-table panel talked about strongman wrestler “ Lumberjack “ Joe Leduc. His many feats of strength comprised him using cars for fun & holding his legs in front to display such power. The King landed wrong after taking a move by Joe. Leduc’s promo with Russell proved remarkable when addressing Lawler. He sliced his arm using his axe.

Jimmy Hart said people took everything so seriously. One example, in The Iron Shiek’s promo, an American Helicopter had just gone down. TV Stations showed this. The U.S. was at war with Iran then. A gentleman & his son called the station, & threaten to shoot Jimmy & The Iron Shiek. Hart exclaimed as part of the angle that he waved the Iraqi flag because they were the villains. These folks followed Jimmy all over Memphis. Mantell wrestled inside a Kentucky prison. The officers checked the bull rope that he carried to the ring. Dutch talked about the Symphony of Destruction.
An orchestra conducts according to the action of this match. Jeff wrestled Mantell, and Mantell busted drums on Jeff. Lawler examined Jackie Fargo’s importance in his career. Jerry & Tojo Yamamoto were a tag team. The King tells this hilarious story where Jerry & Tojo ribbed Fargo and put tiger balm in Fargo’s clothing. After Jackie wrestled, Lawler told Fargo what Jerry & Tojo did. He took a shower & applied tiger balm onto their clothes while they wrestled. Jerry said they drove to Jonesboro & began feeling the effects of Fargo’s prank.

Each wrestler had to undress & change back into their wrestling clothes. Jerry & Tojo would pursue Fargo’s location, inquiring what town Fargo was wrestling in & hoping to get revenge. These two arrived & learned that Jackie Fargo had already left. Dutch conversed about Kamala & Lawler pulled Kamala over cause he used a blue light.
The King teases Kamala by impersonating a police officer. Lawler laughed so hard that he bled. Kamala found out it was King. The Poffos became synonymous with competing against CWA & eventually wrestling matches there. Randy Savage was ordering at a local Waffle House. One of the workers announced that he was married. Savage doesn’t care & insults this guy. A fight breaks out, the guy pulls a knife out & Savage grabs one they are fencing. The guy gets away. The cops arrived and tried calming Macho Man down. Their police dog ate Randy up, Mantel said. Savage wrote his version of events circa the newspaper.

CWA & World Class merged into the USWA. Each exemplified, The Memphis Style! “ It’s remembered fondly. Jeff remarks Jackie Fargo, Dutch Mantel, Bill Dundee, Jerry Lawler, Jerry Jarrett & Tojo Yamamoto & the entire CWA.
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