WWE RAW Results (28th June 2021) – McIntyre Strikes back!!!

Photo Credit: WWE
Adam Pearce and Sonya Deville kicks off the show and announce that Randy Orton can’t compete tonight. There will be an over-the-top-rope battle royal to determine who will take Orton’s place. Riddle rolls in and gives Pearce a note from Orton that Riddle obviously wrote asking Pearce to let Riddle take his place tonight. Riddle convinces them to let him enter the battle royal and if he wins and can go on to win Orton a spot in MITB. Pearce and Deville agree.
Battle Royal (Winner will replace Randy Orton in the Last Chance Triple Threat MITB Qualifying match)
Shelton Benjamin eliminates Drew Gulak.
Jinder Mahal eliminates Benjamin.
Mustafa Ali eliminates Angel Garza as Garza is trying to eliminate Mansoor.
Ali yells at Mansoor that he can’t turn his back on his opponents. Ali promptly tosses Mansoor over the top to eliminate him.
Jinder eliminates Tozawa and R-Truth. Gulak pins Tozawa to win the 24/7 championship. R-Truth hits the Lie Detector on Gulak outside the ring. R-Truth pins Gulak to win the 24/7 Championship. Tozawa surprises R-Truth with a senton. Tozawa pins R-Truth to win the 24/7 Championship.
Omos power walks to the ring and pulls both Viking Raiders out to the floor. Erik and Ivar have been eliminated.
Ali and Humberto Carrillo eliminated each other during the break. Damian Priest kicks Mahal out of the ring. Hardy hits the Twist of Fate on Priest and Riddle. Alexander counters Hardy and tosses him out of the ring. Alexander bad mouths Hardy. Priest Hits the Lights on Alexander. Priest tosses out Alexander. Riddle and Priest are the last two men left. Priest lands a series of kicks. Deadlift German suplex by Riddle. Riddle lands a series of elbows. Flying leg lariat by Priest. Riddle counters Priest’s suplex into the BroMission. Priest sends Riddle out to the apron. Priest floors Riddle with a clothesline. Riddle almost takes Priest over the top with a triangle. Riddle hits a running knee to eliminate Priest.
Winner: Riddle