10 Matches that prove WHY John Cena is Mr. SummerSlam

Photo Credit: WWE
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4. The Yes Movement begins
Vs. Daniel Bryan- WWE Championship (Summerslam 2013)

The Summer of 2013 was when Daniel Bryan’s popularity grew to a new level. Fans were dying to see him in the main event, and uniquely, John Cena chose him to face for the WWE Championship. This has to be one of Cena’s most unique competitive and technical matches in his long career. Bryan brought the fight to Cena, and he even busted out a brand new move, the Running Knee, that came to everyone’s surprise when he beat Cena clean in the ring. Crazy to believe that this has been the only one on one meeting between the two. That fact makes the match even better to watch for years to come. Cena became consistent after this with the new crop of talent that came to the WWE.