10 Matches that prove WHY John Cena is Mr. SummerSlam

Photo Credit: WWE
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3. Suplex City Begins Construction.
Vs. Brock Lesnar- WWE World Heavyweight Championship (Summerslam 2014)

Brock Lesnar’s first match back in WWE was against John Cena was one of the most violent matches WWE has produced in years. But the winner of the match may not have been the best decision. Two years later, the rematch would be completely different. Usually, a typical Cena match goes back and forth. Even if Cena loses, he puts on a great fight.
But this match was the complete opposite. Never has a main event been one-sided, especially with a star like Cena, who did not deliver one offensive move in the whole match. The name Suplex City was born at Wrestlemania 31, but the city’s construction began this night. Lesnar became the unstoppable final boss years after this match thanks to Cena’s star power and performance.