Top 25 Forgotten Faction members of all time

Photo Credit: WWE
16. Crush – Nation of Domination

Nation of Domination is one of the most famous faction during Attitude Era. This is the faction which gave popularity to The Rock. The members of NOD were The Rock, Mark Henry, D’Lo Brown & Kama Mustafa, Savio Vega, Ahmed Johnson & Faarooq. NOD once hired Crush as the member of NOD and many of us didn’t even remember that.
Crush began a rivalry with Vega, during which, he and Clarence Mason joined Nation of Domination (NOD) under the leadership of Faarooq, Crush argued with Savio Vega, during Faarooq’s WWF Championship title shot, which distracted Faarooq, causing him to lose the match. The following night on Raw is War, Crush and Vega, along with the rest of Nation were fired by Faarooq, turning Crush face for the first time since 1993. As a result, Crush began feuding with Faarooq.